[center][h3][b][color=ec008c]JURI HAN[/color][/b][/h3] Level 5: 38/50 Location: Mafia Town Word Count: 647 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance: Level 5: 39/50[/center] [hr] Juri didn’t expect it. She would give Fortune that much credit. As her calf was snatched and she fell onto her chest, rolling to the left narrowly avoiding a knife that scraped against the floor. [b][color=ec008c]”Hey!”[/color][/b] She yelled. Juri snapped to look at Fortune with something akin to moral outrage. It was a weird look on her. She turned her attention to the henchmen, weaving in and out, using them as human shields against each other. She kicked a shotgun out of ones hands, snapping it half with the force of the blow, and smashed him into the pistol wielder with a spin kick. Three rushed her with claws and she bent and twisted her body away and backwards from the strikes. That was when she slipped on some of Fortune’s blood and took a claw across the face. [b][color=ec008c]”Ugh!”[/color][/b] She span away with a flash of yellow sparks, getting slashed a few more times before she rolled away. [b][color=ec008c]”You’re seriously pissin’ me off, Fortune!”[/color][/b] Juri growled. All Juri asked was that she stay out of her way. She’d underestimated Fortune, assumed her to be the goodie two-shoes type. But now she was trying to get Juri killed, cackling all the while. Or maybe she just didn’t understand the gravity of the situation, living in some carefree bubble where life and death didn’t exist. Juri would have to remind her that it did, one way or the other. That would have to come later though. Juri struggled through the fight, having to play it far safer than she normally would have let Fortune swing back again. She baited the cat girl into lunging too early by pretending to be distracted and launched her away with a pinwheel kick. A small amount of damage, but an anti-air with big push back. [b][color=ec008c]”Back off!”[/color][/b] She warned. Then Juri jumped into the air and flew away. Wait, what? Juri flailed her arms around as she floated helplessly through the air into the mafia ball. [b][color=ec008c]”What?!”[/color][/b] She yelled, infuriated. Juri wasn’t some two-bit henchperson to be used in a special move! Fortune cackled, but she left, having done enough damage to satisfy herself, apparently. Juri wrenched an arm and a shoulder free and waited until she was rotated towards the top, behind Mabuchi. She burst forth and aimed to stab her fingers like a knife into his back like she was trying to pry apart his vertebrate. She slammed her elbow into the same spot and then roundhouse kicked him off the ball. Then she turned an accusatory finger towards the boss of the chef mafia. [b][color=ec008c]”Don’t ever use me in a special attack ever again!”[/color][/b] She said. All she wanted was her money. A part of her wanted to kill the boss, too, for this humiliation, but that would be more trouble than it was worth. When she did kill him, what would she do? Run mafia town? No thanks. She’d learned her lesson after taking over SIN after Seth. Boss knew where the money was, he couldn’t give it to her if he was dead. Juri leapt off the ball towards Mabuchi. With Fortune gone she could finish this. Trying to bait out an anti-air attack due to the seemingly predictable nature of her jump arc, Juri front flipped midair, halting her descent for a moment before streaking down with a divekick strong enough to lift Mabuchi from the floor on impact. Juri would turn and do several elegant, sweeping spin kicks to knock him up and away. Juri would be fighting hit and run style on Mabuchi. She was pretty sure she was faster than him, so all she had to do was clear out when the mafia ball came rolling through. Even better, she would try to dodge his attacks and knock him into its path. Caught up in all this, she hadn’t noticed Venom at all.