[Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240725/5098f9b980f915a466a973732c44637f.png[/img][/url][/center] [right][sub]Rising Starborn Guildhall [@Remram][@Zarkun][/sub][/right] When the chef started to approach Evangeline, she immediately flinched. Her first thought was that the man would throw her out. That's what they did to her at literally any other place she had gone to. However, he didn't touch her. He didn't ask her to leave. No, he even smiled at her. This was new. Did this guy somehow know who she was? Whose daughter she was? He couldn't have. No one in these regions has ever heard of her parents. Does this mean that he was being genuine at that moment? This realization made her calm down. He even wanted to introduce her to the guild master. Wow, this meant that she actually had a shot at getting in. Of course she knew she deserved it, but she didn't expect things to go the way she wanted them to. The moment he started to ask if she was okay, Evangeline took a deep breath. She didn't want others to feel sorry for her. She didn't want them to be nice to her because they felt bad for her situation. She didn't need anyone to treat her like a wounded little bird. She was a strong woman and deserved to be treated as such. She wanted to earn their trust and return the favour. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the man announced that he was going to cook a meal for her. When did she tell him she was hungry? When did she ask him to do that for her? She didn't need him to decide what she needed for her. However, this wasn't the time to be picky. With every second that flew by, her knees started shaking more. A wave of exhaustion came over her, which was something unfamiliar to her as her magic caused her the side effect of not needing a lot of sleep. She had to be strong. She had to convince these people to let her stay, to let her work. [color=lightcoral]"Thank you."[/color] She tried to say those two words in her most confident voice, but it sounded more like a raspy whisper. Not long after, a woman approached the two of them. She started talking about getting her clothes as well as the food. They wanted to get her dressed? Just like that? They didn't care about who she was or where she came from. They simply helped her. Just like that. This was completely new for her, but she tried to contain her emotions as to not seem to eager. She needed to keep a strong image. That would be the best way to start. [color=lightcoral]"Thank you, Miss. I just want to earn money for food and a place to stay, fair and square. My preference goes towards working as a mage, but I'll take anything you want at this point. I have experience as a waitress in a small tavern, if that helps at all."[/color] She shouldn't have said that she would take anyone. Now she sounded desperate. Of course her appearance didn't help her case either. [hr] [Center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240728/8bd84c3fa07431256db4869fba083227.png[/img][/url][/center] [right][sub]Rising Starborn Guildhall [@Remram][@Zarkun][/sub][/right] His eyes kept going back and forth between the homeless girl and the chef standing next to him. How did this girl survive this long without any money? Food? A place to stay? That's amazing! She's amazing! And wow... That chef served all of those people with food that they clearly absolutely love. How does he pull that off? Matthew could learn a lot from him. Of course cooking wasn't a talent of his. He might even forget that he put the stove on. That would be way too dangerous. That reminded him. Two years ago, the woman living at the end of the street forgot to put the stove off when she went to the store. By the time she came back, nothing was left of her house. Even her neighbours had significant damage to repair. Where did that woman go after this incident? He remembered her fighting with the neighbours about payment for the repairs. Maybe she moved so she could pay for everything. Where would she be now? Oh, and what was he doing again? Right! He was at the guildhall where he wanted to apply for a job! Right, right, right. When did this woman join them? It didn't matter. She asked him to wait for his turn, so that's what he would do. He would wait for his turn. He could do that. No problem. He had patience. He could be a very patient person if they needed him to be. Yes, he could. Oh, but what is that woman right there eating? It looked delicious! Matthew ran over to her, hang with his head above the plate and looked intently at the ingredients before him. [color=plum]"That looks delicious! Can I have a bite?"[/color] The woman immediately told him 'no' and asked him what was wrong with him. That was a good question! What was wrong with him? A lot in fact! He should take better care of Belle. He should pay Rosa more money. He shouldn't depend on his foster family's money. He should let them know that he was okay. He should eat healthier, even though he needed to eat candy to be able to use his magic properly. He should train more, so he could be stronger. What was he doing again? Right! Waiting! Maybe he should sit down. That would make him look way more professional. Matthew sat down in one of the boots and started to eat some candy he had stored in his hair. But maybe it was rude to eat food he brought himself. Then again, he shouldn't disturb the chef when he was clearly already so busy. Hmmm... What was the best thing to do in this situation? Matthew kept thinking about that while still eating the hair candy, not even taking it out of his hair. He might accidently drop it if he dared to take it out before the container was empty.