[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve[/h3] [/center] “Don't have to tell me twice!” Rayne called over the magical machinegun of whom’s proverbial trigger she was holding down, firing and firing and firing like there was no tomorrow. Because when the little timer on the card powering this firepower ran out, there might not be. All she could do was eye the garbage collector card, and hope… “Death ray? Well. Still don’t have to aim I guess” she said as the mana from kills spell ran out and was replaced with a new card. It was really meant to be a big bot killer, intensifying in power the longer it was locked on, but if the butterflies went down fast… well. A moment later two things lit up the room. The first was the way forwards going on fire. The second was Rayne activating death ray, prompting a laser light show as an orange beam lanced out, latched onto a butterfly, exterminated it, vanished, and then repeated the process for another butterfly all in less time than it took Rayne’s adrenaline pumped heart to beat. “Collection, I don’t need you right now the house is on fire” she told the spell that had replaced the spent ghost gun, before making a pained face and saying “if it’s coming down anyway” before casting lighting bolt instead. The bolt in question slammed down from on high, passed harmlessly through her, and then went down even further till it earthed either in the floor or in any basement. The shower of splinters that rained down on her was less harmless but her hat caught those fortunately enough. “If the source is up or down we have ways that aren't on fire now!” Rayne called out, before popping collection to grab all the dropped mana and then ending up with a hand full of useless floating rocks and a death spiral, none of which where any good unless Qing could bullet dodge the same way Sanea could.