"Your plan has failed, Assassin," sighed Caster, sitting down heavily. A mechanical dog with a screen for a face hopped onto his lap and stared at the Cardinal with glowing blue eyes. "It has merely become messy," said Assassin. "Lancer will still triumph." "Messy," said Caster, holding up a hand in frustration. "[i]Is [/i]failure." "This entire operation hinged on disrupting the transfer of information," said the mechanical hound abruptly, voice clipped and artificial. "Instead we revealed it. Our opponents must surely have noticed the repeated attempts on the dragon's life by now." "Well," said Assassin. "If that is the case, I will simply have to take matters into my own hands -" He paused to look down at the mechanical tendril stabbing him through the chest. "No, I do not think so," said Caster. "I think you betrayed us. I think that you are working in concert with your Master. I think that you knew she would foil your scheme." Assassin opened his mouth to speak. Instead he coughed up blood. He grinned through bloody teeth. "And even if my guesses are wrong," said Caster, "I think we can find better uses for you." With a whirr of ancient machinery, Assassin was wrenched away from Caster's sight, carried into the heart of the massive technological monolith that ran deep into the heart of the world. Even as his face dissolved into the light, he was chuckling - and then the metal walls slid back into place. * Some days it sucked to be a dragon. No matter how far society and technology came, nobody ever seemed to fully move past the idea that you were composed of high end crafting components. Even if nobody was actively murdering you over it it was still unrelentingly awkward. When she had been losing her baby teeth a local bandit princess had tried to steal them so that she could grow an army of deadly handmaidens, which had lead to an intense 3am battle in her bedroom with the Tooth Fairy (who was real, but only for dragons). Her teacher had refused to accept that as a valid reason to delay her exam and so she'd been so exhausted she almost failed out of arcane economics. She'd once broken up with a human girlfriend because she'd gotten really into making jewelry out of her scales (which did deserve it, they had a rare rainbow shine she was very proud of) and they weren't growing fast enough to keep up with demand, which had made her feel like a half-plucked chicken. And that wasn't even getting into the time a Technomancer had tried to buy her voice because her 'singularity generation projector was broken, and therefore able to be reverse engineered' which in addition to being very scary had rudely called attention to her inability to ignite her breath attack like other dragons. And now a foxgirl with an axe wanted her [i]blood[/i]. She knew this day would come. She knew they wouldn't be satisfied with just her - erm anyway. "Why don't we explore other options first?" said Opalis, bargaining as sweetly as she ever had. "I mean, we have not yet investigated to see if Ms. Julia could be redirected into the exploration of material riches? I am authorized to grant her a very generous timeshare in a beach vacation house collectively maintained by my Order in order to -" The next part of that was unfortunately lost over the sound of a spear piercing through a stone wall.