[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241001/93a7aea1dcb9dd8198ca706f29557249.png[/img] [color=gainsboro]Storms can destroy your ship but don't let them destroy your faith. The ship can represent anything, whether it's your life, job, relationships and longing — these things carry you from Point A to Point B. Ships tear by the winds of change within rigorous tides, leaving you with little support, your greatest enemy is yourself, you must never falter! The greatest loss is when your faith is wrecked by these storms of life, we can't take back the past but we can forge the future by living towards an earnest present! Hope, Faith & Love goes together.[/color] [center][IMG]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241001/ca39bb569e327e965e30049a24170921.png[/IMG][@BlackMaiden],[@Letter Bee],[@Aku the Samurai][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241001/febd53d02d33b0ced622e21d77550ce4.png[/img][/center] [color=gainsboro][b]Team Amaya[/b]; The given name, acclaimed to those partaking Guildmaster Azuria's clandestine operations, there's more than meets the eye in this Head Librarian in a gap so huge like puzzle pieces in more ways than one, Fenix Tear Team A. The presence of the strongest Fenix Tear Mage regardless the Quest, assure great results, these Mages without their knowledge is paid higher rewards compared to Team Eris. Unknowingly under the official supervision of Crime Sorciere's leader & Spymaster; Sorano, whose Spynetwork penetrates Reuel's, her informants may be also Reuel's, who seemed to play roles as his own. Nevertheless, the Spynetwork is not something to be fully trusted, let alone whose occupation is an Assassin, such as Reuel, Rena, Weisz & Jericho, whoever else may be in disguise, whether or not this is an exaggeration, be vigilant. Amaya, one of Avalon's renowned Dragon Slayers & Fenix Tear's strongest without question is a veteran Mage on par with Azuria. No doubt Amaya willingly took this S-Quest, wholeheartedly mutual despite Azuria's meticulously crafted planning set behind the scenes. Her unit; Jaina Dalton, Shinra Rudegarn & Rena Navylawn. [i]Oops, my name changed, I wonder what type of Keikaku spoiler is this? Still, I'm glad it changed! [/I] — Rena Rena Navylawn, originally Regina Cyanpile, a variant of Rebecca Bluegarden, due to Cat Leaper, and having leaped through time, erasing to rewriting the previous Timeline, the circumstances of the timeline that she now inhabits including birth name has changed. [i]Bad Urizen crutch, stop giving Players a headache and bad impression of us, stop sucking me off, you could've just left Thayr & Zan-Weset alone but no! You had to be a boyscout and make me jump time, so yeah guys, the reason your Dear GM made me jump time was because Letter Bee mentioned Thayr's [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5542165]character[/url] in the IC but Thayr had IRL commitments and therefore decided not to put his character in the tab, following your rule of no debut means nonexistent is one thing but for you to retcon time is quite bad, no wonder you left Rune and Vader speechless, this is cringe and don't make fun of people IRL/Online, you could've just told Letter Bee to edit his post but you got lazy.[/i] Team Amaya's purpose was to interrogate Juntao, a Vampire Mafia Boss. However, Juntao was poutingly not saying anything well, answering Team Amaya childishly in circles. Rena told Jaina, Shinra and more than likely Amaya who already noticed to look at Juntao carefully. [color=1E90FF]"Don't you guys find it weird? A middle-aged tycoon vampire man acting like an embarassed school-girl because she's a Loli."[/color] [sup][b]OOC Info: Eye Magic Advancery[/b][/sup] For OCs with Eye Magic, you get to countermeasure the spells of another Player, you get three chances, so use it wisely to win your battles because there's no cool down, if wasted, then your eye magic is useless, still, you have fluid movements/reflexes. > [b] [color=00a651]Successful Attempt[/color][/b] [color=dodgerblue]"Amaya if you could put the fear of Ankh, you don't mind me streaming and blackmailing Juntao to submission ya, Shinra, if you could do me a favor, why don't you make her float, Jaina, try to penetrate her mind, she'll attempt to resist after all, Zeref Christ that sounds wrong...going inside her mind doesn't make you less of a woman unless you swing the Lebanon way." [/color] Take Note: Team Amaya and Reuel were 3 Hours earlier than Team Eris.[hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241001/93a7aea1dcb9dd8198ca706f29557249.png[/img] Amidst the trying times, one is challenged by chance and luck yet we're all good to be here. [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241001/8fed6cd2043a61af3a3b9ffde99d7a68.png[/img][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241001/febd53d02d33b0ced622e21d77550ce4.png[/img] [@Iamme][@The Jest] [b]Few Mins Ago[/b] [/Center]Brandon was not amused by the turn of second hand embarassment but leave it be as he heard murmuring from the kids and his peers that he had a difficult time subduing that kid, he left without saying a word but as things took the worst turn, the Priest, the Man, the Devil Slayer, Vergil Dantes, defrosted Kaiga and even Kotaro and erected a barrier in the room, so no one escapes. His ethereal white flames, got Kaiga unknowingly defrosted to his surprise, as the flames didn't work at all in both soul & body. Vergil disappeared into the night like shadows left behind his fixation, killing him, nothing to take from a buried light nor past approaching storms. Setsuka was amused of how Vergil refused to elaborate after appearing in such a grand manner, Priestly duty calls in Fortuna. Or is it because he's avoiding "Child Support" Yaorin saw how both men left the room, she imagined yaoi but before she could space out, candles were summoned and she told Kotaro and Kaiga this. [color=powderblue]"Betcha can't end a puppet."[/color] Yaorin used her Necromancy Curse and summoned a Marionette, she calls it; Nemesis and dipped to where Brandon is headed. Nemesis is an Etherious, a chimera alchemized from Necromancy. Setsuka smirked at the impending dog fight. (OOC Info: Nemesis is a High-End Nomu in my [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192563-just-another-hero-invite-only/ic?page=6#post-5550055]MHA RP[/url], indirectly advertising haha) [/color]