[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/5ILCycx.png[/img][/center] [hr] It had only been less than a quarter of an hour after Eve had left. After one last close inspection of the gun, Éliane had nearly fully reassembled the gun and was ready to bring it up to the deck for a test firing when the alarm was raised. Being below decks at this point, the Skaelan officer was unable to see what the threat was as she watched pirates stream up towards the upper decks, with hastily grabbed weapons in hand. The pink-haired girl grimaced; at this point in the voyage, considering who they were taking passage with, the only threat on the high seas was going to be Valheimians of some sort. Momentarily leaving the gun where she left it, she sprinted to her room and hastily threw on her Household Guards jacket and belted on her weapons before she dashed back to the gun. By the time she did so, the sounds of battle were well under way, as blades crashed and guns spoke on the decks above. Thankfully, it didn’t feel like they were being outright bombarded by whatever vessel had caught up to them, but with the way the deck shook, it was also clear that they weren’t slacking, either. Although Éliane was totally surprised by the ambush, a small smirk played across her face as she threw a belt of ammunition over her shoulder and picked up the rotary cannon. It looked like she would be getting a chance to properly play with her toy now, in a proper live trial in combat. When she came onto the deck, it was the chaos as she expected. The rest of the Kirins were already there, clashing with Valhiemian soldiers as their airship kept pace in the air. She squinted briefly at what was going on—was that a dragoon Izayoi and Rudolf were fighting? With a squad of Valheimian grunts on jetpacks? Éliane immediately began setting up at the aftcastle of the ship, giving a vantage point over the entire ship, wincing as she did so at the discordant singing that clashed over the decks of the ship. Whatever foul sounds were reaching out from the Valheimians, it seemed like Ciradyl was countering, which she was grateful for. Normally, she wanted to be more mobile than setting up in one place, but when there was a chance to test out dakka… A moment later, she was ready, and she began cranking the rotary gun to get it started up. Whirrrr… And she immediately began aiming at the Valheimian fake-dragoons bouncing about on their jetpacks. Éliane thought nastily that they were about to get a taste of their own anti-air as she tracked a pair that were about to make a run on Ciradyl, and then immediately opened up with a brief hail of bullets. It took less than a second for one to be immediately knocked out of the sky, minced apart by the large caliber guns, and sending the other tumbling away into the sea either from a hit or a bad evasion. Grinning savagely, she then turned her attention to Mr. Bouncy apparently traitor dragoon and depressed the trigger as well. She just had to be careful with the small amount of ammunition she had.