[center] [color=#736AFF][b][h1]Ranbu no Izayoi[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] To Izayoi, the only thing worthwhile about the byplay between Galahad and the traitor dragoon was that the former seemed to truly have no idea about the latter’s betrayal. As the two Edreni separated, the samurai took her opportunity to intervene and leapt forward, barreling straight into Valon from the side before he could reengage with Galahad. [b]”Ergh!”[/b] He grit his teeth, hurriedly bringing the haft of his spear up to try to ward off Izayoi’s series of strikes. [b]”Fast…but…!”[/b] With the barest hint of an opening, Valon used his superior strength to shove Izayoi away from his position, quickly catching his breath from having to fend off two warriors in quick succession. [b]”...Not fast enough.”[/b] He concluded with a chortle, twirling his weapon around once more. [b]”You know, I didn’t believe the handlers when they said you’d gone to the dogs. By the stories, I should be [i]dead[/i] by now, even with the bit of help I’ve gotten. And speaking of, you’re feeling it, aren’t you?”[/b] Valon chuckled as Izayoi narrowed her eyes, her movements ever so slightly slowed by the Siren’s call. His laugh didn’t last long, overshadowed as it was by Ciradyl’s song in response. One by one, his men started falling, over half of the dozen pseudo-dragoons he’d brought dying in quick succession before he had to hurriedly make a long vault away from Eliane’s field of fire as the first few bullets pinged against his plate, grazes drawing blood. [b]”Oh for the love of-”[/b] He sighed, raising his free hand to his mouth to let out a loud whistle. [b]”Can’t even last long enough for me to have my fun. Assault unit, regroup! Form up and fire from range, take out their cannoneers so we can bring the airship in closer!”[/b] His remaining five men did as he bid, keeping well above the fray as they aimed down, a fusilade of fire bringing down several of Bikke’s men manning the guns. Their escort airship began to close in as the assault dragoons shifted their fire to both Eve’s wings and Ciradyl, aiming to literally clip their primary target’s wings while subduing the most annoying supporter on the field. All the while, Izayoi scowled, looking to Galahad. [color=#736AFF][b]”They are out of my range, even with magic. And where is the boy-”[/b][/color] Valon’s voice cut her off, shouting across the field to the point where he could be heard down below. [b]”Right, Siren? If you’d care to help at any point in time? [i]Mare Imperatrix, release your restraints! Tides unending![/i]”[/b] Rumbling began to come from the ocean, shaking all those on board…