[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/great-vibes-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240329/84481ce1e9322bbbd2ee69adc32fdfb6.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/vz3gTHR.png[/img] [center] [sub][url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/43/9a/d8/439ad879e60493ed1d8687503eaa4206.jpg][i][sub][color=9e5e6f] dress ♖[/color][/sub][/i][/url][/sub] [/center] [sub][color=7F6B5D]D A M I E N E S T A T E | E V E N I N G[/color][/sub] [sub][color=gray]I n t e r a c t i o n s : Anastasia / Charlotte [@princess] , Fritz [@JJ Doe] , Farim [@Lava Alckon] M e n t i o n s : Charlotte and Drake[/color][/sub] [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CaVsNWr.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent] [color=gray] [color=93a477]“Y yo no dudo de tu talento de persuasión, pero hay que estar de acuerdo que yo ganaría. O sea—”[/color] Zarai motioned to herself in an over-the-top, playful manner, thoroughly enjoying the banter over Anastasia’s affection. [color=93a477]“Mira me, príncipe. Soy una delicia. No estoy diciendo que tú no lo eres, pero yo soy un pastel después de un día largo y demandante. Tú… tú eres… una galletita. Linda y chiquitita– but sharing is caring, after all.”[/color] She pinched the air teasingly in front of her, a full smirk forming on her lips as she winked. She left it at that, allowing their lighthearted quarrel to rest for another day, especially with Anastasia now entirely engrossed in Farim. They really did make a cute pair, but beneath the surface of her jest, Zarai couldn’t help but feel a pang of concern over their very public display. Zarai knew more than most the weight of rumors and criticisms that circulated within high society. It was a relentless, invisible pressure, tightening its grip on anyone it touched. She would never wish for anyone else to endure that suffocating scrutiny. The arrival of the servants with trays of food and drinks pulled Zarai from the storm brewing in her mind. The delicious smell of delicacies filled the air, temporarily clearing the fog. They set the dishes in the center of the table and placed plates before everyone. A tray of cocktails had been brought out as well; even Sir Barrios’s tea had been replaced with an orange juice cocktail—something, she noted with amusement, he didn’t protest against. She made a mental note about the charity concert, determined to attend and show her support. Just then, Lord Drake took to the stage, proudly displaying the musical piece gifted by Charlotte. Zarai let her eyes close for a moment, letting the beautiful notes wash over her as the melody unfolded. [color=93a477]“That is lovely…”[/color] she murmured to herself, appreciating the talent behind the music. But when Drake made his dramatic exit by stumbling off the stage, Zarai slapped a hand over her mouth, trying to stifle her laughter. [color=93a477]“I hope he didn’t break anything,”[/color] she chuckled, reaching for a cocktail to help hide her giggles. Gods, it tasted so strong! The conversation took a mischievous turn then, and Zarai enthusiastically joined in. [color=93a477]“Strip poker does sound rather fun,”[/color] she nodded, eyes twinkling with playfully. [color=93a477]“But I will only play if Sir Barrios agrees too!”[/color] She grinned as she looked at the knight, just in time to catch him downing his cocktail. [color=93a477]“What do you say, my knight? Will you partake in a fun game of strip poker with us?”[/color] Sir Barrios, clearly unprepared for such a bold proposition, began to cough into his hand and almost spilled his drink, his face turning an alarming shade of red. Whether from embarrassment or the fact that he was briefly choking on his drink, Zarai couldn’t be sure—but it was a perfect moment to shift her attention to Fritz. [color=93a477]“May I have a word, Count?”[/color] Zarai asked, her tone softening as she turned to him. She gave the rest of the table a quick smile. [color=93a477]“In private.”[/color] Without waiting for an answer, she pushed her chair back and stood up, biting back a wince of discomfort. [color=93a477]"Worry not; we will be back just in time for poker."[/color] She said over her shoulder as she headed towards a more desolate part of the garden. The pit in her stomach deepened with every short step. Her feet ached, but the pain only steeled her resolve. Today, Fritz would have the answer to his question. [hider=Sola 22, 1739] [center][h3][sub]Sola 22, 1739[/sub][/h3][/center] The midnight sea-side breeze tickled her skin as Zarai descended the narrow alleys behind the Sorian Library. The streets were littered with trash and drunkards alike; some slumped against buildings trying to keep their heads upright while others lay on the dirt road. Even back home, people littered the streets of lower Puerto Vira drunk, drugged, or a combination of both. Her chest twisted with an unfamiliar feeling, it pulled at her until forced herself to look away. The trip from the guest house to The Tough Tavern wasn’t short, not now anyway. She had to take her time, or she’d run out of breath quickly, and her chest still hurt every time she took a deep breath. It was frustrating and humiliating, and she could do nothing about it but blame herself for her idiocy. Zarai was still debating whether she would beat whoever had done this to he. First, she would have to find the culprit, fortunately for her Duchess Francesca was already on that. Warmth from the tavern greeted her when she opened the door and stepped inside the building. She’d expected Fritz and Udo on the stage, Peter somewhere not too far laughing his ass off, and Karleen giving them all a disapproving shake of her head. Instead, she found them in a corner, all sitting at a table without a word exchanged between them– Udo nowhere to be seen. The air felt heavy as she approached them, eyebrow arched at the parrot perched on one of the empty chairs. Luz removed the thin brown cloak from her shoulders as she looked at them all. [color=93a477]"Having fun, aren’t we?"[/color] “Ah, why isn’t it the illustrious Heir of Puerto Vira herself!” Peter stood on his seat and anchored his foot onto the table as he dramatically bowed. “Welcome. What brings you to this humble watering hole, milady?” Karleen, seated beside him, smacked Peter’s propped leg, causing the redhead to fall back into his chair. “Sh*te! What the f**k Karl?” “Manners.” Karleen nodded at Luz. [color=93a477]"Fabulous as always, Karleen."[/color] Luz nodded back, but not before sticking her tongue out at Pete [color=9354FF]“Good evening, Lady Ledesman.”[/color] Ryn’s voice ringed tired even in his ears. [color=9354FF]“It’s good to see you.”[/color] He rose from his chair and offered Luz his best smile. He expected to see the shadow of Sir Barrios looming behind her or in the recesses of the room, but saw no traces of him anywhere. [color=9354FF]“So… will Sir Barrios still have his job tomorrow?”[/color] [color=93a477]"He will, he is just catching up to his beauty sleep. Needs all of the extra hours he could get too."[/color] [color=93a477][i]He’s not the only one in need of sleep.[/i][/color] Luz returned his smile easily. His smile turned lopsided. [color=9354FF]“Care to join us?”[/color] She nodded, looking around the table. Luz shot a glance at the the parrot, and quickly decided that she’d rather not add any more marks to her skin than the collection she was currently sporting. Even if she did try, the parrot was already staring her down in an almost threatening way. [color=93a477][i]I’ll cook you. I don’t know how, but I will.[/i][/color] She thought glancing to the other empty chair besides it. “GriIllLLlled,” the parrot sheerked at the top of its lungs, as they flapped their wings. “SMOooOooked! MmmmMmm!” Karleen tore off some chicken from the banquet and pushed it into the parrot’s mouth. “Mmmm.” The parrot repeated. Zarai cringed. She began towards it when Fritz suddenly stopped her and offered his own. [color=93a477]”Thanks.”[/color] Zarai glanced at the parrot, glad she didn’t have to sit next to a colorful talking chicken… that ate chicken. [color=93a477]”There’s someone missing.”[/color] She said to Fritz, her eyes darting to the snapped figurine on the table. [i]Udo?[/i] Without giving an answer other than a nod, Ryn wandered off to a neighboring table to ask if he could take a chair. “Excellent power of observation, milady.” Peter held what was clearly not his first drink in her direction then chugged it down. He slammed the empty tankard onto the table and called out to the other red-head manning the bar, “Oi! Another round of drinks over here!” “Poison?” Karleen asked Luz, cutting the idiom down to two syllables. [color=93a477]”Always.”[/color] Zarai replied without a second thought. Ryn slid a chair between Luz and the vacant seat. [color=9354FF]“Get whatever you want, it’s our treat.”[/color] He heard Peter’s snort, dark and dripping with anger and sadness. [color=93a477]”I’ll settle for the usual.”[/color] Luz knew that mead could do no wrong for her, and she needed something stronger, she knew the barkeep had something behind the counter that would do just fine. She glanced around the table and shifted in her seat. Her icy stare darted around the table as if the air it self would tell her what the fuck was going on. Everyone was acting out of the ordinary, even Karleen was quieter than usual. She had expected, and now wished, for Peter to start teasing her over her title. Poking fun and pointing out the obvious for the whole table to hear. [color=93a477][i]This feels like a family dinner.[/i][/color] Luz thought, trying not to shudder at that thought. Another second later Luz groaned loudly as she slumped back on the chair and crossed her arms. [color=93a477]”Is anyone going to tell me what is going on or are we going to pretend this isn’t awkward?”[/color] “Excuuuuse us, milady, did we disturb you? We’re real sorry about that. Hey, let’s move over there so we don’t make her feel awkward.” Peter began to rise, a movement halted by Karleen's hands. “Stop it, Pete.” [color=9354FF]“We’re libating.”[/color] Ryn stroked the rim of the cup while his eyes remained transfixed on the ripples of the liquid. He only looked up with his signature smile when the beverages were delivered to their table. After thanking the person who brought them their drinks, he distributed the cups to everyone. Zarai was ready to go like a wind up spring, insult at the tip of her tongue until she realized something. She was being fucking asshole. With a sigh of resignation, she sat back down and offered a small apologetic tug of her lips to Peter. She couldn’t demand to know what had happened when it was clear none of them wanted to speak of it. [color=93a477]”Libating.”[/color] Her tone had gone softer as her eyes darted to the broken figure on the table. [color=9354FF]“For Udo.”[/color] Ryn took a sip of the drink to soothe the lump in the back of his throat, but all the alcohol did was burn everything along its path. It did not make the next words any easier to say. [color=9354FF]“He’s dead.”[/color] The air grew thick with a weighty silence that fell over their table like a heavy shroud. Despite the lively commotion permeating the tavern—patrons’s animated conversations, mugs clinking, and laughter echoing in the air—it all seemed muted and distant. Luz stared at Fritz, her mouth agape. She was having trouble processing what he had just said. He was lying, she concluded. It was all a sick joke she never thought he would play. How could he say that in front of Peter and Karleen? In front of that stupid parrot?! But as she searched their faces, their somber looks became more and more apparent to her. “So this ain’t going to get any less awkward, Your Gracious-Graciness.” It wasn’t a lie or some cruel joke. It was the truth. Fuck. A sharp, invisible blade twisted in her chest, and her lungs tightened as though she were being dragged underwater. The world plunged into the icy depths of a frigid lake, and it threatened to pull her down with it. But she wouldn’t let herself drown. Luz rose to her feet, gripping her cup as if it were a lifeline, and lifted it high above her head. [color=93a477]“To—”[/color] her voice faltered, her breath catching, [color=93a477]“To Udo—may he find peace in Nnenne’s arms.”[/color] Her free hand moved in a slow, deliberate motion, first to her forehead as Udo had done, then to her heart, and finally to her trembling lips. Every human at the table followed Luz’s lead while the parrot lifted their piece of chicken as high as they could. “To Udo,” they chanted in unison and took a swig of their drinks. The silence returned as everyone’s eyes focused on something far, far away. “Is he reincarnated?” Karleen broke the silence first. “Already?” Peter lit his pipe and gave it a moment before answering. “Prolly not. Wasn’t it after the ocean picks all the meat off their bones that their souls are released from their body or some sh*te like that?” “Sh****tttTTe LIiikke Ttthhaat?” the parrot parroted. [color=9354FF]“I always thought their souls were released once Nnenne accepts their body.”[/color] Ryn chimed in. Peter waved his hand dismissively, “Same difference.” “Do souls stay in the ocean if they’re not reincarnated?” Karleen asked. [color=9354FF]“According to Udo’s sermons, reincarnation is a choice. So maybe they do?”[/color] Karleen’s gaze drifted over at the broken figurine. “I hope his family waited for him.” Ryn followed her gaze. [color=9354FF]“I’m sure they did. He worked very hard to reunite with them.”[/color] She kept her hopes for Udo’s reincarnated soul unspoken, choosing instead to observe the group in silence. Leaning back against her chair, Luz cradled the cup of mead close to her chest, a small smile forming as she allowed herself to imagine Udo reborn, this time into a peaceful life. She pictured him as a baby, welcomed by a joyful family and a mother eager to hold him in her arms. The thought was a fleeting comfort. [i]Fortune favors the brave…[/i] With that, she finished her drink in one swift motion, rising from her seat and heading toward the bar without a word. Moments later, she returned, a bottle of clear liquid in one hand and a stack of small shot glasses in the other. [color=93a477]“This is Mezcal, a traditional drink from Catalonia,”[/color] she explained as she poured the spirit into the glasses, her movements deliberate. She handed each person a shot.[color=93a477] “Drink up.[/color]” “Don’t mind if I do.” Peter said, snatching up a cup. Karleen swallowed her drink in one swift motion, then reached for a cup with a grateful nod towards Luz. Ryn thanked Luz and slid the last cup towards himself out of courtesy, but did not do much beyond that. Unlike his companions, Ryn was still nursing his first drink. Peter tilted his head back as he released a puff of smoke from his mouth. “Not gonna ask how’d it happen?” Luz downed her shot swiftly, savoring the burn as the liquor scorched its way down her throat. Peter’s question drew her focus back to the group. Did she want to know the details? Udo was gone, and nothing could change that now. All that remained was to mourn and let go. Luz hoped Nnenne had already embraced his soul, guiding him toward peace—whether it be to another life or wherever he chose to go. Yet, she couldn't deny the pull of curiosity. How had it happened? Was it quick? Had he suffered? Was he afraid? Alone? The invisible knife in her chest twisted painfully, but she silenced it with another shot. [color=93a477]“How did he die?” [/color] “Murdered.” The word struck Ryn like a dagger. “Wait. Or was it just an elaborate suicide?” Ryn heard the sharp edges of [i]Boss[/i] trying to catch his attention, so he peeled his gaze away from his cup and jumped into Peter’s amber eyes. No words passed between them. Luz’s chest tightened, her lungs struggling to pull in air as she settled back into her chair. She blinked rapidly, brushing away the moisture gathering in the corners of her eyes. Her gaze drifted to Fritz, and all she wanted was to pull him into a hug. Hug them all, even that irritating parrot. That was what you were supposed to do—offer a comforting touch when words fell short. Reaching across the table, she placed her hand over Fritz’s arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. He wrapped his hand around her’s and returned the gentle squeeze. She had to clear her throat before speaking again, “Do you know who?” Peter managed to say yes, before Ryn’s voice cut in, [color=9354FF]“Don’t.”[/color] Although his countenance remained neutral, his grip on Luz hand tightened. Only she noticed the tremor. She cleared her throat softly, steadying herself before speaking again. [color=93a477]“Do you know who the bastard who did it?”[/color] “[i]Don’t. What. [b]Boss?[/b][/i]” Peter punctuated every word with a hiss. “Don’t strip and jig? Don’t eat watermelon and cheese together? Don’t talk about how we know exactly who did it, but aren’t going to do a damn thing about it?” Luz looked at him, frowning. [color=9354FF]“We don’t actually know who was involved.”[/color] “Bullcrap!” Peter slammed his hands on the table, causing the items on the table to jump and clatter. “You f**king know that Bl–” [color=9354FF]“For her safety.”[/color] Peter paused. His attention shifted onto Luz. Ryn also shifted his attention to her. [color=9354FF]“I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you too.”[/color] His grip loosened on her hand to pat it. [color=9354FF]“It’s best if you don’t know.”[/color] Then he gave her a smile—an artfully crafted guise to hide a wellspring of emotions both untold and neglected. [color=93a477]“Best for who, Fritz?”[/color] Luz scoffed, the disbelief evident in her voice. Was he really going to pull that shit? As smart and charming as he was, sometimes Fritz could be a complete idiot. The corner of Peter’s eyes twitched, a telltale sign of his mounting displeasure. Even in his discontent, however, there lingered a glimmer of hope, a silent plea that reached out to Luz. Those eyes, that look, that damn glimmer—it was like a bucket of ice-cold water had been dumped over her, chilling her to the bone. If Fritz kept acting like this, she might as well throw the damn bucket herself. [color=93a477]“Who?”[/color] Her gaze snapped to Peter, determined and relentless. If Fritz wouldn’t give her the answers, she’d get them from someone who would. [color=93a477]“Who ordered it?”[/color] —No. [color=9354FF]“Zarai.”[/color] Ryn’s voice was stripped of all warmth and his once soft expression turned chillingly blank. [color=9354FF]“‘It’s best if you don’t know,’ because, if you get too close, you and all the people you care about might face the same fate as Udo.”[/color] As he drew closer, his figure cast a shadow upon her—and hopefully, her resolve. [color=9354FF]“Ask yourself, are you truly prepared to gamble with their lives, simply out of curiosity? Can you bear the weight of knowing that your actions led to the agonizing demise of those dear to you? How their lives slipped away with no one to share their final moments?”[/color] [color=93a477][i]Stop.[/i][/color] Luz did not need to be a part of this, especially when it could put her life in danger. He had to scare her off. [color=9354FF]“You want to know how Udo died? He was ambushed in the middle of the city at night. We found lots of lacerations and more than a couple bullet wounds. One of the bullets hit his heart. He bled to death, Luz.”[/color] [color=93a477][i]Stop it.[/i][/color] [color=9354FF]“The thing about having a hole in the heart is that for a few precious seconds, the person’s still alive.”[/color] Ryn’s hands seized Luz’s shoulders. [color=9354FF]“They live long enough to feel the pain.”[/color] [color=93a477][i]Stop![/i][/color] [color=9354FF]“The loneliness.”[/color] His fingers dug into the weave of Luz’s garments, desperate for the tactile reassurance. [color=9354FF]“The sorrow.”[/color] Heat pooled behind his dry eyes. [color=9354FF]“The anguish.”[/color] Despite his efforts to quell it, the tremors resurfaced. [color=9354FF]“And regret…”[/color] Ryn breathed deeply, then curved his lips into a hollow semblance of a smile. [color=9354FF]“It was not a peaceful end. That’s how Udo died.”[/color] [color=93a477][i]Stop!![/i][/color] “Liar.” The familiar baritone of Udo’s cadence emanated from the parrot cracked the fragile smile. Ryn shut his eyes as he salvaged the fragments before he fell apart, piece by piece. [i]“... a hypocrite of the highest order, a liar...”[/i] Udo’s words dropped into the water and rippled across Zarai’s mind. [i]“... would you still step in to help Fritz?”[/i] Another drop fell. [i]“He is so convinced that he has to do this alone and it’s why he will fail.”[/i] Then it vanished too, engulfed by the sea. Whatever angry remark or bitter insult she had prepared melted away as she watched the man before her crumble. He was like glass, shattering slowly, each fracture spiderwebbing across the surface of someone she cared for deeply. [color=93a477]“Fritz…”[/color] Luz's voice came out softer than she intended, yet it still felt like it wasn’t soft enough. She gently pushed his hands from her shoulders and leaned forward, wrapping him in a tight embrace. One arm held him close, pressing against his back, while the other hand found its way to the back of his head, her fingers threading through his black hair with tender care. Slowly. The way her grandmother used to do for her when she was just a child. Ryn’s breath caught sharply, his body tensing as Luz’s arms enveloped him. [color=93a477]"You can't scare me off,"[/color] Zarai whispered, her arms still wrapped tightly around him, as if her embrace alone could hold him together. She clung to him, desperate to stop the fractures from spreading, to prevent him from shattering into a million pieces—pieces she feared he wouldn’t be able to put back together again. Ryn’s hands found their way around Luz, pulling her closer. His fingertips traced the contours of her as he pressed his face against the curve of her neck. Their bodies melded together, Luz becoming the one thing holding him intact. Through a shaky breath, Ryn mustered an attempt at joviality, [color=9354FF]“Well, it was worth a try.”[/color] He allowed himself to savor the comfort of her presence for a few more heartbeats, then murmured, [color=9354FF]“We can talk… but not here.”[/color] [color=9354FF]“It’s been quite a night,”[/color] Ryn said deliberately loud enough to reach not only those huddled around the table but also any curious eavesdroppers. [color=9354FF]“Mind getting the carriage?”[/color] Karleen nodded and navigated her way through the maze of people toward the exit. Ryn looked down at the Mezcal and leftover food decorating the table. [color=9354FF]“And I’ll go see if we can take this to go.”[/color] Once Ryn left, Peter, Luz, and the parrot were all that remained at the table. Luz watched Fritz walk away, her gaze fixed on his shoulders, tense as though one wrong step might cause him to fall apart and scatter across the floor. She hoped—desperately—that this wasn’t just an act. That he would reach out, ask her for help. But deep down, she feared he was already planning how to shut her out, to handle everything on his own. Smoke unfurled from Peter’s nostrils, curling through the air as he exhaled. “Thanks. Boss’s always been the type to bottle stuff up but…” The redhead sighed. “He didn’t allow himself to grieve. Just did the sea burial then went straight back to work with that damn smile on his face.” [color=93a477]"I figured."[/color] Luz shrugged, casually spinning the shot glass in front of her. [color=93a477]"Some people need time to process their grief. Others just need a little push."[/color] Her eyes met Peter’s through the lingering haze of smoke. [color=93a477]"If there’s anything you can tell me, please do."[/color] She sat up straighter, leaning toward the table with quiet intensity. [color=93a477] "Or if you need help, money, transportation, [i]anything[/i]—just let me know."[/color] Peter’s eyes remained locked on Luz’s as he leaned back into his chair and blew out another puff of thick smoke. “Don’t make promises you’re not sure you can keep until you know what you’re getting yourself into first, huh, future Duchess?” The lighting of the tavern and thickness of the smoke made the amber of his eyes seem to glow. “You never know when a promise might turn out to be a contract in disguise.” [hider=TLDR] Zarai walks through the dirty streets of Sorian, still recovering from an injury that causes her pain with each breath. She arrives at the Tough Tavern, expecting to find her friends in their usual jovial state, but instead, the mood is somber. Udo, one of their companions, is missing. As they gather around a table, Zarai notices something is off. Her attempts to lighten the mood fall flat, and soon, she learns the terrible truth—Udo is dead, murdered. The grief hits hard, and the group raises a toast in Udo's memory. The conversation drifts into uneasy topics about souls and reincarnation, but the focus remains on Udo's tragic death. Zarai is torn between wanting to know more about how Udo died and the fear of being pulled deeper into the dangerous circumstances surrounding his murder. Fritz and Peter argue about revealing the details of Udo's death. Fritz tries to protect Zarai by keeping her in the dark, but Peter’s anger boils over. Fritz, desperate to scare Zarai away from the truth, describes Udo’s agonizing death in chilling detail, hoping it will dissuade her from asking more questions.[/hider] [/hider] [indent][indent] [table=bordered] [row] [/row][row][cell] [center][color=gray][h3][sub]Translations[/sub][/h3][/color][/center] [/cell][cell] [color=a3a3a3][sub] "Y yo no dudo de tu talento de persuasión, pero hay que estar de acuerdo que yo ganaría. O sea— Mira me, príncipe. Soy una delicia. No estoy diciendo que tú no lo eres, pero yo soy un pastel después de un día largo y demandante. Tú… tú eres… una galletita. Linda y chiquitita– but sharing is caring, after all." "And I don't doubt your talent for persuasion, but you have to agree that I would win. I mean— Look at me, prince. I am a delight. I'm not saying you're not, but I'm a cake after a long and demanding day. You... you are... a cookie. Cute and tiny– but sharing is caring, after all." [/sub][/color] [/cell][/row] [/table] [/indent][/indent] [/color][/indent][/indent]