Rolan glanced at the tap on his shoulder, Ser Gerard stating his intent to come along as well. Smart, going poking around possible fae boundaries alone was not the ideal situation, though he had no qualms doing so. Better than standing around pretending to follow what was being discussed in regards to the summoning and finer details of magic. He gave a brief nod towards Gerard as he explained his rational, agreeing on all points. [color=lightblue]"Twice the hands, half the work. Certainly better than standing around waiting for the magically inclined to send us on an errand."[/color] It sounded like, from the ramblings that the Captain had latched onto, all they had to do was find this Moonlit Queen's home. It was always easier said than done, and this time would be no different. But tracking and hunting, he was confident in his capabilities there more so than anything else he provided to the Roses talent wise. With a goal in mind, determine where the Fae territory began and, by extension, where to head once the summoning confirmed everything they wanted to confirm, Rolan made his way out of the room, catching brief mention of the Duke being left alone during the party. That was likely when this madness was placed into his mind, or otherwise inflicted on him. How it wasn't noticed before the morning was concerning but not much could be done for that. Leaving the rest of the Roses to their intents, Rolan would make for the edge of the woods to begin his search, Ser Gerard helping should he stay true to his word. [color=lightblue]"Sooner we find the boundaries, the sooner we can get this figured out. Got a preference which way you would prefer to go first?"[/color] Ser Gerard had the courtesy to offer to come along, so Rolan figured it was at least courteous to take his considerations into thought before simply beginning to make sweeping passes through the wood, heading progressively deeper while watching for fae sign or other indications of a boundary of some sort. His fellow knight might have a consideration he had not noticed, so all the better to check before they began searching in earnest. [@HereComesTheSnow]