Ciradyl's benevolent aria flowed from her instrument and vocal cords, pushing back against the Siren's lure. As the white-haired Bard's melodies soothed her comrades' ears, they'd find their auditory afflictions swiftly washed away, their instincts no longer dulled. Indeed, as long as the Ospreyan Diva could continue her performance uninterrupted, her audience needed not fear the temptress of the sea. [i]However[/i], below the surface, it was a different matter altogether. Down here, Ciradyl's song faltered against the Siren's, resulting in the full force of her melodious malady to still affect the only Kirin unfortunate enough to invade her domain. But, no, he must not falter, he had a mission to accomplish, to silence her beautifully discordant notes! And yet, for all of the umbral powers his 'patron' granted him, Rudolf was still very much a creature of the land, possessing neither gills, nor fins. He might be - despite what his father thought of him - a talented and experienced swordsman, but here in the depths, with the clumsiness of his land-suited limbs, how could he even hope to chase down the elusive chimeric siren? As the scaled humanoid glided gracefully through the water as if it's naught but air, the creature would eventually pass the monster hunter, and perhaps it was just his mind playing tricks on him, but Rudolf could swear that for an iota of a moment, it-... she opened her left eye in a reverse-wink at the young man while her lips curled a smirk. The sight was breathtaking, just like the turbulent water he's submerged in. Perhaps there was a reason why sirens had such infamy amongst men of the sea, with but a smile and a song, they could lure others into embracing their own deaths, drowning in the depths with naught but a mesmerized smile. Though stout enough to deflect even The Revenant's mythical blade, Svalinn could only afford to buy time, time that his comrades could use to take care of the threat, but right here, right now, he was by his lonesome, facing against a foe who didn't even seem interested to engage him. Like a particularly malicious orca, she could simply swim circles around the land dweller until the ocean itself would take him. After all, unlike him, she had all the time in the world... ...or at least until a certain traitor dragoon's voice pierced through the sea from above. Nigh-instantly, she proceeded to stop singing [i]and[/i] moving, was this his chance? [b]"Aah~ fufu~"[/b] Although the wide smile and sultry giggle that followed didn't exactly instill much confidence... Up above, as if on cue, after Valon's enunciation, rain began to fall as thunders raged, quickly rising in intensity until a veritable downpour had blanketed the area, dousing Kirins, pirates, and Valheimrs alike as if they were harbingers of oceanic calamity. Down below, before Rudolf's very eyes, the water began to ebb and flow unnaturally, in fact, he could even [i]feel[/i] it as raging currents pulled against his form. Here, the years he spent practicing footwork and martial stances meant absolutely nothing as he was helplessly dragged along. Like debris caught by a tornado, he spent the next few moments being tossed and turned round-and-round the blue-haired Pseudolon, so close yet so far. As for the rest of the Kirins, the source of the aquatic rumblings finally revealed herself with [url=]an ear-shattering roar[/url] as four gigantic water constructs in the shape of a naga's head rose from the depths, one at each cardinal direction. ...and Rudolf too, the young Sollan - drenched, out of breath, and dazed - was tossed way up into the air in the wake of Siren's transformation. The False Empress of the Sea wasted no time as each of her heads began assaulting the Kirins and pirates. Two swooped in with their maw open to devour and swallow her enemies into her thalassic belly, while the other two belched a deluge to sweep them overboard!