[center][img]https://cdn.marvel.com/content/1x/004tho_com_mas_mob_03.jpg[/img][/center][indent][sub][color=gray][b]UOU Presents:[/b][/color][color=lightgray] THOR, GOD OF THUNDER[/color][/sub][sup][right][b][color=gray]ISSUE #8:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]A Soldier's Plea [/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr][indent][color=lightgray][sub][b]Former Soviet Prison [color=red]♦[/color] Siberia [/b][/sub][/color][/indent] [indent] A man in crimson strode forth to challenge the God of Thunder. At his call, Thor rose from stooping over the blubbering prison guard he'd been interrogating moments before. He studied the man for a moment; racked his brain for the ghost of a memory he sensed earlier. Nothing. Thor clenched his fist in frustration. Many a time he had suffered the touch of enchantment, befuddling his mind and confusing his senses. It was hard to tell if this was the result of such arcane tampering, or if the stresses of his banishment were making him paranoid. He [i]needed[/i] to understand. "I know this shield," Thor raised the star-spangled device, glancing down over its gleaming form. Even now, he felt the tinge of familiarity at the base of his neck. Then he looked to the crimson man. "But I do not know you. I remember..." He closed his eyes, and the ghosts returned. Mjölnir clashing against the shield with a thunderous boom. The man behind it remained shrouded in uncertainty, but Thor remembered the rush of battle. A formidable opponent stood against him, tough as old iron. Even when facing down a god he'd held his ground. "Mmm. Yes." Thor grinned. "A test, then. Prove your mettle." [color=crimson]"The shield is [i]mine.[/i]"[/color] With a casual heave, Thor flung the shield at Krylenko hard enough to shatter concrete. When the man caught it, he had only a moment to realize that Thor was flying right behind. Jarnbjorn was back in his hand, and he delivered twin back swings to either guard flanking the Red Guardian. They crumbled as wheat to the scythe. Nikolai Krylenko backpedaled. He was quick, quicker than any human had the right to be. There seemed a grace to the way he wielded the shield, at first. His guard was smooth, practiced. Nikolai was clearly studying his opponent, waiting for an opening to exploit. A fine soldier. A few probing swings into the shield proved what Thor already suspected: it would not break as most mortal arms did when facing the might of Uru. In fact, it didn't seem to matter how strong or light a swing was- the strange earthly material absorbed it just the same. Mistaking Thor's casualness as a sign, Krylenko pounced. He slammed the shield against Thor's right hand, knocking Jarnbjorn aside so he could deliver a swift combination of punches to the Asgardian's midsection. They stung like biting locusts. A night ago, before the Man-Beast, they may even have hurt. "Hmph. I think not." Thor slammed Jarnbjorn into the floor between Red Guardian's legs, turning it to splinters beneath his feet. The ground began to give way, forcing Krylenko to try and leap back- opening his guard for Thor to reach in. He grasped Guardian around the face, holding it in his palm. Flicking his wrist, Thor slammed the man into the wall. Then he began to walk, dragging Nikolai along the wall as he went. Concrete and twisted rebar broke against the super soldier's head. It was a tough nut to crack, Thor had to admit. Krylenko was even conscious for some of it. Thor didn't stop until he reached the double doors at the end of the hallway. "You are not whom I seek." Guardian fell like a crumpled sack the moment Thor released him. The shield clattered to the floor at his feet. [/indent]