[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241003/ba0fcf55816f1709e7b657ad39c3be73.png[/img] Keyaru deadpan amidst the earnest efforts of provisional heroes to corner him, they ain't stuck with them, they're stuck with him because he is him. Having dodged Kaiga's maximum fire arrow, the fireball absorbed and only grew from his arrow. Keyaru noticed an oddly familiar person, he didn't want to lose his business partner over some petty scuffle but then again, it was for the best, not to press on his attack based on the high risk loss of business. Keyaru stood his place firmly. [i]What type of adult would use his true power against mere children?[/i] Before Keyaru noticed, it was too late, had it not been for his regeneration, multiquirks and assets, he would've loss badly, imprisoned or killed. The fireball wasn't stopping but Keyaru was petrified for a while by Rin, Yusuke and Kanako's mental grip. [color=orange][I]I didn't expect that brat's telepathic range to be this potent! This must be Ravens' doing, damn you.[/I][/color] A glimpse of Ravens, consented, more like convinced Kanako to be injected with Trigger and three Telepathy are holding him in place, his mind was frozen by Dark Rin, scrambled by Kanako and layered amplified by Yusuke, who inflicted pain, threshold. [color=orange][i]It seems that this body is perfect for a sixth generation but the mind isn't.[/i][/color] Keyaru tried holding back his inner thoughts but the triad approach between Kanako, Yusuke and Rin, only made him oversurface his thoughts, and potential leaks of his plans. Rin finessed by using two Quirks at once, her mental grip, stalled Keyaru but she couldn't be so sure if alone, hence why she got Kanako and Yusuke's help. Rin called unto Ria, Mei and Amaya. [color=skyblue]"Amaya, do your Aunty a favor and freeze that fireball, Plus Ultra, Ria, you too, I'd do the same before Icyhot comes in."[/color] Rin started blasting and freezing to deprive the heat of the fireball. Mei used all her power to keep the fireball from further expanding, she can't make fire but control it while Ria artistically coated the flames into ice cages to cool it. Rin praised Chinmoku and the rest for their efforts. [color=skyblue]"Good job everyone, Mei, Amaya, Ria and I will handle the fireball while I also keep Keyaru mentally occupied! Sol, Heartbeat, Gauss, Achilles, damage the body enough so it won't regenerate, give everything you got, Arsenal, give Duskrunner some of your weapons, keep shooting Antiquirk Bullets, so Keyaru won't have time to use any Quirks at his disposal! And Gauss, it has to be you, focus all that energy with everyone!"[/color] [color=skyblue]"Darling, overcome your fear this time."[/color] She said to Matsuru. Keyaru was smiling, however but be it fear or not, we never know. Suddenly, behind Ueno was a figure that was too fond of him, Lisara, snatched him away. [@Iamme][@Dragon Arts][@Digmata][@Gerlando][@BlackMaiden] [@Letter Bee][@The Man Emperor][@Aku the Samurai][@JrVader][@Paingodsson]