[hider Nathaniel Stormlight][center][colour=#C0C0C0][h2][u]Nathaniel Stormlight[/u][/h2][/colour] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/C8QFH2f.jpeg[/img] [colour=#C0C0C0][b]Name:[/b][/colour] Nathaniel Stormlight. [colour=#C0C0C0][b]Age:[/b][/colour] 26 [colour=#C0C0C0][b]Height:[/b][/colour] 5’11 [hr] [colour=#C0C0C0][b] Kingdom: [/b][/colour] Aurelia [colour=#C0C0C0][b] Role:[/b][/colour] Sage (research) [colour=#C0C0C0][b]Magic:[/b][/colour] Fire, Water, Light, Electricity, Earth and Psychic. [hr] [colour=#C0C0C0][b] Biography: [/b][/colour] Nathaniel was born the second oldest child to the Stormlight family, A noble family that resides in the Kingdom of Aurelia. The Stormlight family is well known for their magic skills. As a result of this, the family has been used as scholars. To train others in the way to control their magical prowess. Because of their success in this, they have been heavily praised for their contribution to Aurelia’s magical structure, as a result, they were given nobility. Nathaniel’s upbringing was strict because of his family. Meeting up to the standards that his family members had was quite challenging for Nathaniel when he was growing up. He was the oldest male of his siblings, so there was extra pressure on him. Eventually, as he got older, he drastically improved. Picking up the basics of how to be presentable amongst the upper class. I even took up some classes in piano and sketching. Two skills that he does to this day. By the age of 13, his magic managed to manifest. Because it was so sudden, Nathaniel caused a fire in one of his study rooms. From there he was added to the Stormlight family teachings. A family member would teach him how to use and control. His control of magic was the worst in his family's history. It took him over a year of magical studies before he was able to control it. From there, his magical prowess improved, eventually taking over his older sister. One of the limitations of him during his childhood was that he wasn't able to socialise with many people. It was only with other nobles' children. That's if they wanted to socialise with him. So often he would spend his time reading and studying. When the blight came around. Nathaniel was tasked to investigate Aurelia’s border. His sister took his place, as she had more experience than him and she feared it would be too dangerous for him. He said that he wanted to go, but she didn't listen, and as a result, they argued. She went to the small town with a group of others. Unfortunately, she never came back. With no trace of what happened to his sister, rumours went around saying that she was taken by the blight. While the other members of the family carried on with their duties. Nathaniel wanted to find a way to cure the blight. Using the research that his sister has in her room, Nathaniel took it, wanting to make it his mission to find a way to cure the blight. Years passed and he was no closer to finding a cure. The Prince of Aurelia offered his family the opportunity to join in the efforts of Dawnhaven. He explained how he was putting in lots of resources and skilled people to try to find a cure. Now more skilled and older, Nathaniel accepted the opportunity without a second thought.[/center][/hider]