[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5506853][img]https://i.imgur.com/9U8gWna.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Artimis - High Seas--[/h3][/center] After the Kirins' very own Faye Bard neutralized the Siren's song, it became painfully clear that the traitor Valon needed her melodies as a crutch to compensate for the sorry excuse of "dragoons" he brought. When faced against the unadulterated might of King Leonhart's task force, they couldn't compare. One by one with little gaps in-between, their numbers fell to around half he started with. [color=d3d3d3][b]"Tch...!"[/b][/color] Freed from the mind-dulling malady, Eve managed to conjure a mighty gust of wind in time to clash against the faux dragoon's volley, throwing the projectiles off course. If it wasn't for Ciradyl, she might very well have her wings clipped. As the hostile airship began to descend upon them, the Pseudolon quirked an eyebrow, then for a moment, the fellow traitors of their respective homeland gazed upon one another; the Edrenian dragoon and the Valheimr dragoness, both serving the enemy, both treacherous turncoats, [color=d3d3d3][b]"..."[/b][/color] and yet, through her silent gaze, the latter sent a clear message to the former... Only one of them would live to see tomorrow's sunrise. After the unforeseen dismantling of Proudclad, these Valheimr scum must have known that airships wouldn't spare them from Bahamut's wrath. Last time, the Revenant kept them busy enough to save the desert-bound vessel, but this time, what was stopping her? Him and those pathetic excuses of dragoons-... Thunders raged and rain poured as a mysterious vortex rocked the pirate vessel. Ah, right. They had another. [color=d3d3d3][b]"Leviathan...!!"[/b][/color] Eve growled as the hydrophilic hydra reared its heads, all four of them, as a cascade of events all occurred in one fell swoop. Nearby, the pair of former foes were about to be swallowed into the naga's throat and drowned in her abyssal belly, only for the exiled swordsman to come plunging down upon its aquatic scalp with such force, the ether-fueled construct lost its cohesion and spilled out like a shattered water bucket. Though wet, cold, and uncomfortable, it was a much better fate than being pulled into the abyss. However, Bahamut's Pseudolon wasn't so fortunate, in fact, as Siren's two other heads spewed water jets out of their maws, washing over the deck and throwing men overboard, it quickly became clear what her true intentions were. Including the one that Rudolf had just slain, they were nothing more than distractions... ...while she reserved a single limb to snap its jaws shut around her 'sibling' and [i]dragged[/i] her off the ship, away from the skies where the Dragon King reigned, and into [i]her[/i] thalassic domain. [color=d3d3d3][b]"...?!!!!"[/b][/color] Now suddenly and utterly abducted into Leviathan's empire, Eve flailed her limbs and flapped her wings to no avail. Though she needed not to breathe as a true Sollan would, it didn't particularly mean she was a capable swimmer, quite the opposite, she was [i]terrible[/i] at it. After all, there really wasn't much incentive to learn swimming when one could fly, yet at this very moment, Eve wished she had. The roaring hurricane and cacophony of battle became a distant muffle as she was completely submerged, helplessly pulled, tossed, and turned... until she came face-to-face with the smirking visage of none other than Siren herself, her 'kin', a fellow abomination of the natural order. Now that they had laid upon one another with their very own eyes, Eve couldn't help but notice how she looked more like a person than what her other 'heads' implied. Swiftly, Ciradyl's inquiries and Galahad's counsel came to her mind. Floating before her might not be the mindless monster she had assumed the Pseudo-Leviathan to be, but... there was no proof yet, so.... [color=d3d3d3][i]Please be a mindless creature, please be a mindless creature...[/i][/color] [b]"Ah...~ so you're Grayscale, you're so much more adorable than I thought, ...sister, fufu~"[/b] [color=d3d3d3][i]By the Dragon King, why?![/i][/color] [b]"You've been a naughty girl, haven't you? Poor Grayscale, misguided and deceived, but worry not, dear sister, I'm here to bring you back~"[/b] Gritting her teeth, numerous thoughts ran in Eve's mind, but one reigned above all; she had to convince her brainwashed kin to see the error of her ways, recognize that Valheim was simply using her as a weapon, to be used and disposed whenever they saw fit, and - Bahamut willing - sway her allegiance to the Kirins. It might be a pointless endeavor, but after the promise she made to the azure dragoon, she'd be damned if she wouldn't at least try. Thus, [color=d3d3d3][b]"Sire-"[/b][/color] Eve opened her lips-... [color=d3d3d3][b]"Mmmph?!!"[/b][/color] Only to find them being locked shut by Siren's own! [color=d3d3d3][b]"Hmmgh?!!"[/b][/color] Utterly confused and bewildered by the very much unsanctioned kiss, Eve's instincts took over as she saw the gesture as a threat. Ether swiftly built up throughout her body as Grayscale aimed to make like an electric eel and gave Siren a good shock, just to [i]get her off[/i] if nothing else. But then, [color=d3d3d3][b]"N-... nngh..."[/b][/color] the flow stopped, despite her intentions, her body refused to cooperate as she twitched limply in Siren's embrace. Soon after, her mind followed as everything became a blur... And nothing ceased to matter except to just close her eyes... So the ocean can put her to sleep...