[b][i]Kazuki Yamagata[/i][/b] "It's [I]Armory[/i], not Arsenal," Kazuki said as he kept shooting at Keyaru while giving what weapons - He had extra weapons? - he still had, all the while scenting victory in the air. He could infer it; Ravens had done something to interfere with Keyaru. Smiling, Kazuki continued to follow the instructions given to him, scenting victory in the air. However, despite all their efforts, he just could not shake the feeling that [i]this was too easy[/i] - It probably was. So he conserved part of his strength for when Keyaru pulled something out of his ass to escape... [@Danyel][@Iamme][@Dragon Arts][@Digmata][@Gerlando][@BlackMaiden][@The Man Emperor][@Aku the Samurai][@JrVader][@Paingodsson]