[center][abbr=Primrose][img]https://i.imgur.com/zqHOn9T.png[/img][/abbr] [color=D34C25]Word Count: 819 (+2 exp)(-8 friend heart) [u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 161/110 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Meridi-at-Han, Forbidden Kingdom[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color][/center] How and why those giants had shown up to attack the city was indeed a strange mystery, but Primrose did not concern herself with it for the time being. Her attention was on the last instance of violence, the battle between traveling troupe master and local sorceress that continued on even while the monsters dissolved into ashes. As she'd told Goldlewis, she thought that the Seekers should stop the two of them before their battle accidentally spread further, and she wasn't the only one who thought so. While the small group waited among the gathering crowd looking for an opening, Roland was the first to jump in. He went right for Grimm, so Primrose's gaze flickered to the troupe master's opponent. It wasn't long before she found her opening, too. When she struck, she did so with her friend H'aanit's hunting advice in the back of her mind. Certainly the witch seemed more dangerous than any savvy beast, but the same teachings applied - one's guard was lowered then they thought they had an advantage. Following Roland's intervention, Primrose paid close attention to the necromancer, using her own knowledge of magic to judge when the best time to jump in herself was. She chose the moment the witch was in the midst of casting her latest fireball, darting forward as she pulled a glowing pink heart shape from her chest. The dancer pressed it into the witch's back, letting it do its thing while she stepped away. With no way of telling how the witch would react to suddenly having the veil pulled from her mind, Primrose wanted some space between them in case she lashed out. The woman's opponent did not seem inclined to finish the battle, at least. Perhaps the conflict really had been some kind of friendly fire spiraling out of control thanks the Galeem. In the end it didn't really matter how it started, only that it ended, and the nightlife of Meridi-at-Han could quiet down. The unrelated citizens dispersed, equal parts entertained by the duel and disappointed that it had been interrupted. Some hung around still, like Kayna who was dismounting her Velocidrome and glancing curiously at the group. Primrose just folded her arms over her chest, brow raised at the little mini-Grimm that had appeared. Now that she got a closer look, Grimm and his entourage looked very similar to the native bugs in the Under. Were they from there? She didn't ask, especially as Goldlewis began admonishing both Grimm and the witch. By the time Sandalphon called in (Primrose still wasn't exactly sure why she preferred to use codenames when speaking through her sigil), Primrose had walked over to make sure the spirit of Ralph was collected. Its body parts had been ravaged as quickly as possible after she and Goldlewis had made sure it died there and didn't escape (speaking of, she had found the old man just as capable now as in the brief stint in the desert), but the gleaming folks ignored the spirit. They must have thought nothing tangible could be made from it, but if only they knew they could simply crush it. She returned to the group with shimmering spirit in hand, stowing it away as she caught Goldlewis motioning for them to follow him. She smiled lightly at the tail end of his conversation with the angel of information and moved to head toward the city gate with the others, casting a last glance at the people they were leaving behind. Grimm, the witch... they had to be pretty confused at the moment, but the dancer didn't offer any information to them freely. Primrose also saw Kayna jogging to catch up to them a little, waving her new friend down. "Whew, what a crazy night!" the monster rider said. "Are you all leaving?" [color=D34C25]"That's right. We'll be back eventually -"[/color] She suspected that they would, when they eventually had to return to tackle the City that Never Was. [color=D34C25]"- but until then, this is goodbye."[/color] Kayna didn't seem put out by the sudden departure. She smiled, coming to a stop and putting her hands on her hips. Avmar had followed her, and he squawked at the Seekers at the same time that his rider bid them farewell. "If you guys find yourselves in the Tyrannian Plateau needing a hand, you know who to look out for! See you then!" Primrose gave her a wave. Unlike the two they'd just set free, Kayna was still gleaming. It might have been nice to set her free too, but the more people they broke out of Galeem's influence the more evidence of their presence here there would be. Not to mention that in the wake of everything she'd learned from Asgore, Sandalphon, and everyone else about how things worked in this world, well... unless it was to save people or recruit them, sometimes it might be better to leave them be.