[INDENT][INDENT][SUB][H3][CENTER][COLOR=E72428][i]"Quem com ferro fere, com ferro será ferido."[/i][/COLOR][/CENTER][/H3][/SUB][/INDENT][/INDENT] [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/aL4eDWQ.png[/img][/CENTER][COLOR=E72428][indent][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=D9C87A][I]New York City[/I] - [I]New York, U.S.A.[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Concrete Jungle #1.01:[/b] [COLOR=D9C87A][I]City of Gods[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][color=E72428][sub][B]Interaction(s):[/B] [COLOR=D9C87A][I]None[/I][/COLOR][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][color=2c2c2c][b]Previously:[/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5561926][COLOR=2c2c2c][I]None[/I][/COLOR][/URL][/color][/right][/SUP][/color] [INDENT][COLOR=6D6B5C]Amber eyes fluttered awake as the train began to slow. Gone was the abundant unspoiled natural horizon that lived in the shadow of the towering Rockies. Fresh air was replaced by stifling smog as man-made monuments of architecture reached toward the sky, leaving all below cast in darkness while they threatened to choke the sun. New York City was a far cry from Boise, and to be honest, Yara Flor was already feeling homesick before the train had even stopped. But the butterflies currently hurdling themselves around her innards weren’t about to stop the grad student from making the most of her trip East. As part of a joint program with Empire State University, Boise State University sent some of its grad students to New York City to spend time at its sister school and visit the exhibits and institutions that Idaho was sorely lacking. Yara pressed her pillow down from her window seat on the train and looked out toward the New York Harbour. Never had she seen so much water in one place, the seemingly endless horizon out into the Atlantic almost unnerving the young Brazillian woman. Her eyes darted towards the Statue of Liberty, keenly studying the green lady who stood over the Harbour, guiding the Hudson out to sea. She caught one last glimpse before the sight was gone and the cabin was plunged into darkness as the train entered a tunnel toward the heart of the city. Bringing her feet onto the seat, Yara rested her chin firmly between her knees, hanging it over as she absent-mindedly scrolled through her phone. Pictures of her aunt’s farm brought forth a resurgence of her homesickness, and Yara felt a bittersweet smile cross her lips. The squeal of the brakes alerted every passenger of the arrival at Grand Central Station. Gathering her things, Yara turned to exit her side only to find the aisle congested, seemingly at a standstill as confused and angry murmuring began to buzz over the growing line of people. Turning to look out her window again, Yara quickly noted the train had in fact not arrived at its destination, at least, not truly. Sitting half in the station, the doors weren’t aligned with the platform meaning stepping out of the train at this time could result in injury or worse, for most people at least. The girl from Idaho allowed herself a small humoured smile. Her Aunt’s worst fear was that Yara would step foot in New York and people would instantly discover her secret. And so here she already was in a situation where her gifts could make a difference. [color=#ffffff]“Does anyone have signal?”[/color] A voice cut through the din holding up a cellphone. Panicked voices quickly scrambled to check their own devices while Yara calmly flipped her hand over and looked at her own screen. She too was without any reception on her cellphone. In fact, the entire device had gone from functioning normally mere moments ago to a black screen that simply stated ‘Not Available’. [i][color=#d9c87a]Aunt Renata is going to kill me.[/color][/i] Yara’s internal monologue lamented the situation. It was her first time away from home, Brian and Renata had barely let her have a sleepover at a friend’s house. Renalta had always been protective, ever since she and Yara had left Brazil after the death of Yara’s mother. Yara hadn’t been permitted to go on her senior trip in high school, she’d never attended a sleepaway camp and the only reason she was in New York now was because she was twenty-one and Renata could no longer tell the young woman how to live her life. To some degree, Yara had always felt Renata was scared of her. Scared of her gifts. Named after the goddess Iara, it probably shouldn’t have been a surprise to either of them when at the age of nine, Yara managed to tip a tractor trying to find a toy she had lost. From there she had only gotten stronger and faster. Renata had forbidden Yara from participating in athletics through school and so the girl had become something of an outcast in their sports-centric school. It hadn’t been enough that Yara already looked different, but she had to act differently as well and instead threw herself into her studies and arts. It’s what led her to her studies and Boise State University which brought her back to the moment. In New York, the concrete jungle where dreams are made of. Except right now it felt like more of a nightmare. Yara needed to get off of this train and she needed to do so now. Pushing through the crowd, Yara heard a couple of people curse the woman she forced her way to the closed door. Locking eyes with the attendant, he opened his mouth to stop her before Yara jammed her fingers into the seal, prying the doors apart with the same ease one opens a book. “Miss you can-” The words barely registered for Yara as she hopped down from the train, landing on the tracks, unbothered by the electrified third rail before she looked around. People atop the platform were staring at her, horrified and intrigued. Still, with no working cellphones, that meant there were no cameras either. Moving around to the rear of the train, Yara gave it a shove, watching it move forward a few feet before she pushed it again. Placing her hands on the rear car, she dug her feet into the ground and walked it forward until the train was finally aligned with the platform. Cheering erupted from amidst the station as people rushed to get a look at their heroine, only to find no one behind the train. Yara was already gone. [i][color=#d9c87a]Aunt Renata is going to kill me.[/color][/i][/color][/INDENT][/INDENT] [color=E72428][SUP][table][row][/row][row][cell][color=#2c2c2c]- -[b]First Issue:[/b][/color] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5561926][COLOR=#2c2c2c][I]None[/I][/COLOR][/url][/cell][cell][color=2c2c2c]-[/color][/cell][cell][color=2c2c2c]-[/color][/cell][cell][color=2c2c2c]-[/color][/cell][cell][center][B]Next Issue:[/B] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5563297][COLOR=D9C87A][I]Power Princess[/I][/COLOR][/url][color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/center][/cell][cell][color=2c2c2c]-[/color][/cell][cell][INDENT][right][b]Latest Issue:[/b] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5563297][COLOR=D9C87A][I]Power Princess[/I][/COLOR][/url][/right][/INDENT][/cell][/row][/table][/SUP][/color]