[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/c2Golyt.png[/img][/center] [color=peru][center][h2]Stratya Durmand[/h2][/center] Time:[/color] 25th, 10 am [color=peru]Location:[/color] Edwards Estate [color=peru]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/FOg6BjE.jpeg]Officer’s Formal[/url] [url=https://i.imgur.com/PEMSUSV.jpeg]Family Dirk[/url] + [url=https://i.imgur.com/sS8bDBR.jpeg]Crest[/url] [color=peru]Interactions:[/color] Anastasia [@princess], Farim [@Lava Alckon] [color=peru]Mentions:[/color] Victoria, Lorenzo The Princess really was a peculiar princess. Whenever she’d heard stories or tales, princesses were rarely so carefree. But, then again, those had just been stories. That classic idea of a princess. [I]This[/I] princess liked to sit in laps and be touched. She had to wonder if it was a reflection of her royal-class upbringing being too strict or stiff? Perhaps something else. Thoughts Stratya [I]might have had[/I], were she sober. By the time she’d actually taken her seat, the alcohol from her first super cocktail was really starting to hit. She’d noticed it, before, but now it had had the time to [I]really[/I] get into her system. Ooh, that really was strong. [Color=E77298]”... because you could totally just ask, silly.”[/Color] Separate from the flush of alcohol on her cheeks, the Knight's ears reddened. Did the princess practically just invite her? Pretty much. The village woman in her was star-struck, but the military woman knew she had to respond. Both were drunk. [Color=peru]“Lit’le ol' me? Hehe, oye, if ye pu’ i’ tha’ way,”[/Color] with a short glance at Farim, she offered him a reassuring smile, [color=peru]“migh’ I join y’ game, Prrincess?”[/color] When Drake mentioned Charlotte, and following Stratya’s small compliment to the Lady, she looked and caught that strained smile on the Princess’s face. How strange. Did they not get along? It didn’t seem to her like there should be any reason for it, but, lacking sobriety, the thought left her mind quickly when Drake took his tumble. [Color=peru]”Seems like he’s ok, Prince Callum ‘as ‘im.”[/Color] A certain suggestion caught her ear, and she snapped her attention away from Drake, to look across at the man with the deck of cards. [color=peru]”Now? [I]Here[/I]?”[/color] Before she could say much else about it, a familiar-sounding woman invited the man with the cards aside for a conversation. Stratya sighed and said, absentmindedly and to herself but probably audible, [color=peru]”[sub]as if t’ wanderin’ ‘ands weren' bad enough.[/sub]”[/color] It gladdened the knight to see her jeer was so effective. Victoria was speechless, the Princess was giggling, and then Duke Lorenzo contributed. She’d held her stare-down of Victoria steady, through the Princess’s giggling, but when Lorenzo contributed, her reaction was.. layered. First, he proclaimed that it would be a crime. In response to this, Stratya turned to look at him, intrigued and, actually, mostly, confused. A crime? What the f- [color=salmon]“…stinkiest feet in the kingdom…”[/color] There hadn't been enough time to turn to him fully. Stratya lurched forward as her abdomen tightened, falling right out of her intimidation pose. Her crossed foot thumped to the ground, she pressed a hand to her lips and leaned on her knee with her elbow, containing herself, just getting down the cocktail she’d sipped before Lorenzo got the kicker out, [color=salmon]”… Week-old Royal Curd Cheese…”[/color] She turned to the table and put her drink down before she spilled it. Laughter seeped past her hold as she, too, doubled over laughing. She looked up at the Princess, looking to share in the mirth together. Then Victoria decided to try damage control, [color=F0E399]If anyone doubts me, you're welcome to sniff my feet yourselves!"[/color] [color=peru]”N-na-hahahh, noo-hoho hooh-noo~ooo! Kee-heheh-eep them on, f’r Gods’ sakes, eeeee-heheh-, for ev’rryone’s hehehealth an’ say-heehee-fety! Eeee~heheheh, hmhmhmhm!”[/color] Her other, gloved hand slapped over her knees before pressing over her mouth, as well. Shaking from suppressed laughter, Stratya came out of her chair carefully, taking a knee and planting a fist on the ground to steady herself, one hand still pressed over her mouth. The humor began to fade away, “hoooh.. hoo, hoho.. hweuuh..” and she placed a hand on her chest and shook her other, as though to shake off the humor physically. Gathered, the Captain resumed her seat. Panting, calming herself, the knight gazed at the cocktail she’d set down, [Color=peru]”I- hehe- t’ink ‘ese [i]cocktails[/i] are wha’s go’ me, Prrincess. Heheh. 'Ere pret’y strrong, enough ta take t’ fun ou’a drrinkin’, ey-hehe? I’d rrather ‘ave thrree or fou-our pints o’ mead. Y’won’ black oot af’er jus’ an ‘our, tha’ way, but t’ese colo’ful t’ings’ll do ye in, they will. Think I bet’er eat somet’in.”[/Color] The plates of food on the table drew her attention, though somewhere in the back of her mind, she considered the seating arrangement she’d been assigned. Somewhere, but nowhere she noticed. She grabbed some beef rib(!), some sweet potato, a bit of cheese, and turned to catch a passing servant’s attention, [color=peru]“coul’ I bot’er y’ ta bring some o’ ‘at frui’, covered in choc’la'e, please?”[/color] She slipped a few coins over and offered a smile.