[b]JOHN'S PLACE[/b] Kay tried to sit up slowly, making sure not to move too quickly and risk making herself light headed. When John realised what she was implying, she gave a slow nod. "I don't really understand it to be honest, but I think I was in some kind of cave or something? There...were hieroglyphics all over the place, like crude ones. Then this guy appeared out of nowhere..." she began to explain as she forced herself to remember everything she could. "He told me it was my destiny to be there. I'm guessing to lead them, whoever them was" she added, "but then he threatened me with a prophecy of me killing Fia if I didn't accept who I was" she finished explaining. That last bit of information hurt the most. She could still see the figure's face looking serious and foreboding as he stared at her. "I got so scared I ran and that's when I woke up" she then added, realising she forgot to mention that part. She tried to remember if she was told where it was she was stood, but her mind was foggy. Then she had an idea, "get me my sketchbook and pencils...I think I can draw out what I saw" she suggested. [b]LUX BAR[/b] Fia could feel Drake shaking against her, as she tried to keep a firmer hold on his hand in an attempt to comfort him but she felt like she was doing a pretty poor job. "She'll be okay" she told him once more, determined to get it through to his head. "I'm right here" she cooed. Maze gave a nod and went straight to the bar to help him look for the salts. "If it's not in one of these cupboards, I might have another idea of where it could be" she replied to Lucifer, not personally finding anything. "But yeah, we did use some of it" she replied, "you used smelling salts in drinks!?" Chas asked surprised at what he just heard and hoped he heard wrong. That could not be healthy to be mixing smelling salts with alcohol in his opinion. Josh just kept trying to wake Serena the old fashioned way, keeping ahold of her and stroking her hair. "Come on babygirl...wake up" he spoke softly near her ear, hoping she would wake up soon. He hated feeling so useless and helpless in these situations. He wasn't immortal or had some kind of power, he was just a normal mortal and there was nothing he could do to help her.