[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231021/c8de3d4938a7934e3807d1d1d63ce88c.png[/img][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230205/f69dd2f75b7475275d406e055ff4e99c.png[/img] [color=lightgray][b]Mentions:[@HereComesTheSnow][/b][/color] [/center][hr] The sharp pings of metal resonated all around Ciradyl as Arton deftly maneuvered himself and his shield to match each volley of shots. Each time they had met each other's gaze he seemed to express the same disgust he expressed that night of Mizutani's death. All the same he worked tirelessly to protect her and Neve. She couldn't lie and say being under such directed fire didn't bring up the desire to cease her performance and seek cover. She couldn't do that. The tide of battle was turning in their favor. Who knows what other afflictions would befall them if she ceased? Connecting this many souls was punishing. Sweat beat down her face as the prismatic cloak around her coalesced into ribbons, dancing around her body growing in size away from her body. There had only been a scare few moments in which she had ever gotten to utilize her gift in such a grand display. Everything she knew about weaving the Aether in this manner had been self-taught. The creature this opposing tune came from threatened to break the thin barrier she had conducted around the minds of those aboard at the slightest sign of weakness. Arton balanced his attention on Valon's men firing on Ciradyl and keeping a close eye on Neve. There was no telling if they would suddenly shift their focus onto her. The calculation didn't take much time in his head. He would not hesitate to toss the Bard aside if it meant saving Neve instead. Their reduced numbers did make it marginally easier to block or deflect their shots, something he had gotten accustomed to over the course of their journey. He steadied his footing as the entire ship seemed to shake. Cold, blue eyes narrowed at the rising monstrosities from the sea. Yet another foe he could do little against. [color=537DAE]"Do. Not. Stop."[/color] Arton keep his eyes firmly on the closest head as he gave his simple command to the Faye behind him. At the point the heads rose from the blue waters, the colorful and immaterial ribbons had split and twisted through deck of the ship. Those within its vicinity would not simply feel the effects of the Siren's song diluted but feel a boost to their combat abilities. Ciradyl stared up at Rudolf cast into the sky, tempted to call out to him. As before, the ethereal ribbons flickered in response to her distress. [color=537DAE]"Ciradyl!"[/color] Arton's harsh tone snapped her out of such a petty whim. Rudolf could handle himself. She had to believe that for right now. Believe in him. [color=c0392b][b]"ARTON!"[/b][/color] Arton heard Rudolf call his name and felt their eye meet and exchange a wordless conversation. His knees bent and he leaped into the air noticing it was bound to fly just overhead. The gem was snatched just as it threatened to zoom past him. The moment he touched down, he pulled Neve towards close to Ciradyl, hovering over them as the shield was activated just in time. The vicious maw of one of the heads crashed into the barrier, open wide and desperately trying to crush through with its teeth. The rapid onslaught of water parted around them as Arton held his stance, preparing his next move should the shield falter. Ciradyl's expression soured at the situation unfolding. This was not enough. Everyone needed just an extra push, but she was scared. There had been a strange power building alongside the ballad she performed. Her knees trembled and her knuckles turned white. Now was not the time to be frightened. She had to do something now. Ciradyl closed her eyes as she effortlessly shifted into the beginnings of a new song. Intense. Powerful. Embers of the same prismatic energy that had spread across the deck now were being drawn towards the members of Team Kirin. Vague, human shapes in a faded white hue and covered in a rainbow-like outline came into view surrounding Ciradyl and hovering just above the ground. A full orchestra of spectres readied their various instruments as Ciradyl slowly opened her eyes. They glowed with a myriad of colors as she struck the first [url=https://youtu.be/rw2IZLxIirc?si=g07I76TxfQPmT8Ei]chord[/url]. Everything was put forward as the first words of this new aria flowed through them. Her voice saturating the entire zone around the ship as the ghostly orchestra performed perfectly alongside her. [i]A Dreamer's Requiem[/i].