[center][b]GM Event:[/b] [H3]BOBBING IN THE BIG APPLE[/H3][/CENTER] The androids head sat on the table while the scientist sat at a nearby computers. Its hollow eyes scanning the room with great trepidation. It focused its eyes on the scientist as he spoke. [color=orangered]"Let me tell you a story my son. There was a great scientist. Who competed with the top minds off his generation. Tony Stark, Lex Luthor, Raymond Palmer. [i]Unlike[/i] those scientists he had no interest in monetary gain. As he had none to begin with, he was a nobody. So he was worthless.[/color] The scientist turned around in his swivel chair to face the android, staring directly into its eyes. If the android could understand emotion, it would have seen the bitterness and contempt. [color=orangered]"So, he did the best he could. Became the head researcher at a STAR labs facility, and off to work he went trying to change the world. Then while trying to develop a new deep space telescope, he had an idea and so he got to work and he invented [i]this[/i]-"[/color] Turning in his chair he slapped a button on the keyboard, illuminating a far corner of the lab where a strange looking monitor sat amidst a computer bank. The scientist stood up and walked over to it, resting a hand on it. [color=orangered]"-I call it the looking glass. [i]Through this[/i] the scientist saw the future, and through this he thought he could save the world."[/color] He chuckled to himself as he turned back to face the android. [color=orangered]"Think of it, all the innovations of the future. Cures for disease, for famine. Global warming, why wait. We could look into the future and bring them here, now."[/color] The scientist shook his head before hanging it low, a much more somber tone coming forth. [color=orangered]"The scientist was naive-"[/color] There was a buzzing of an alarm elsewhere in the room. [color=orangered]"-but the rest of the tale will have to wait. Your older brother is ready to get to work."[/color] [hr] The waves crashed gently at the base of the small and isolated island. The general noise of tourists, the screaming kids, shuffling footsteps, camera shots, all drowned out by the thundering of his heartbeat in his ears. Mal Duncan was nervous, and Mal Duncan never [i]got[/i] nervous. Champion football player, childrens counsellor. Nothing phased Mal. [color=yellow]"Mal, this way!"[/color] Her voice cut through the crowd like a hot knife through butter, he became acutely aware of his tongue in his mouth. How was it supposed to rest in his mouth? No matter what he did he couldn't possibly make it comfortable. His palms were sweaty, breath came hard and fast. Each inch he took towards her felt like a mile, his feet heavy. What if it didn't go well? Maybe the photographer hadn't shown up - no he could see her over in the distance attempting to look like she wasn't paying attention to Mal or his destination. He needn't worry about the weather, it was a perfect New York autumnal day, with not a cloud in the sky. Mal smiled as he reached Karen, a big grin plastered over her face. [color=lightblue]"Hey Beautiful.[/color] She pulled him into her warm embrace, before grabbing his hand and pulling him through the crowd of people towards the base of the Statue of Liberty. [color=yellow]"I thought I lost you after getting off the boat! [i]C'mon![/i] I want to take a closer look."[/color] Mal chuckled. [color=lightblue]"You never have to worry about losing me-"[/color] Sensing his struggling nerve he turned his head quickly to look behind him towards the city. An unobstructed line of city to the Manhattan skyline. In one quick motion he pulled his hand out of hers, a small leather box from his pocket and slipped down onto one knee. Opening the box to reveal the glittering green emerald ring. Karen turned, and turned white as a sheet. [color=lightblue]"Karen, you make me the happiest man in the world-"[/color] The world around him went silent, he couldn't hear anything else. Only his own voice. No other voices or footsteps, he couldn't even hear the water crashing below. [color=lightblue]"-will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you Marry Me?"[/color] He lowered his head and sighed, all the stress and tension leaving his body. He had no idea why he had been so stressed about it, they were a perfect couple. He loved her, and she him. Honestly this was just a formality- [color=yellow]"Oh no-"[/color] His heart sunk to his stomach. [color=yellow]"Mal get up-"[/color] He couldn't even look at her, he closed his eyes and hung his head down low. [color=yellow]"No seriously Mal-"[/color] Opening his eyes, tears welling in the corner he looked up at her and saw the raw panic on her face. He turned around, and coming [i]from[/i] Manhattan was a giant wave, atleast twenty foot high. Jumping to his feet, ring forgotten he pulled Karen along with him. [color=lightblue]"Round the back of the statue!"[/color] He could hear the screaming now, the crying and the panic. The roar of the water as it came careering towards them, a deafening crash. The next thing he knew, he was in the water.