Erin barely had time to process she was being reeled up like a prize bass before breaking the surface. They had been been a child since the last time they'd been lifted up. She'd been a little pup then, and it was unlikely they'd even be able to remember the instance if it was the only thing to focus on at the moment, as is it was so far down the list of priorities right now. Certainly, it had surely been with much more care and grace then the current flailing. [color=limegreen] [i]FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK HOW GODAMN STRONG IS THIS SON OF A BITCH?!? How is it slinging me around so fast? I'm already getting motion sickness. Please stop spinning you stupid creature I cant let go. You cant fling me off, by god I wish you could. I dont want to be holding on either now.[/i] [/color]The form of one of the others that had come with her to bring down the beast had barely been noticed before they had made impact. [color=limegreen][i]Shit its not trying to get me off, its using me as tail flail upgrade. Oh god I hope he's ok. I cant even see where he even fucking went. Please don't be dead over there, wherever you are. I'm sorry I was trying to make this tail less of a problem. Didn't know I was going to be making it forces of magnitude worse. I didn't even catch your name or anything about you. Can you take an impact force like that? I promise as soon as I can I'll make that up to you.[/i][/color] Finally the beast's centripetal journey came to a quick halt. Vomit was trapped in her throat with the parthenon-ic column of a tail her jaws were seemingly hydraulic sealed down on.[color=limegreen] [i]oh thank shit that's over. Now what? Diving down to rebury the tail has just been shown to be worthless. I can't drag the beast anywhere else, its far too strong and heavy. Most certainly, I can't unclench my damned jaw. This tail isn't coming out of my mouth and I don't have the time to gnaw my way through the whole thing. Only one last option, time to take my pound of flesh. Rip asunder a manageable enough chunk I can swallow and be loose.[/i] [/color] With that they dropped, using their weight to begin death rolling. A violent, valiant effort quickly stopped due to the obvious problem of the tail being fully perpendicular to the wasteman. The positioning made the angles of rotation extremely limited.[color=limegreen][i] I'm gonna have to come at this from a different approach. Maybe just simple straight-back? [/i][/color]Putting her hands on either side of her snout and began thrashing her head in every witch way. The grunts, growls, and muffled swears poured out fluid and subconsciously. A momentary glance showed Erin they had stopped quite close to a little horned gal. An up-down showed she had some knives. Maybe she could help carve me off. They gave some rushed gestures to her and a likely garbled, "Hey can you cut me loose?" between thrashes.