[center][h2]Deathstroke[/h2][/center] "There you are," Slade said quietly to himself as he watched from a rooftop with binoculars a group of trucks going into the load/unloading area of a building. The tracker was still working as intended as he watched its signal move with the trucks. While it was interesting that the trucks were unloading their goods at an Alto Electronics building and it is curious why they were smuggling weapons. Slade did not care at the moment as the weapons were his only led to Walsh. Now he knows where to go, but some recon is needed before he heads in. They will discover the opened crate and maybe the tracker eventually. So, getting in and out may be a problem if they get extra security. But Slade is not bothered by that. As Slade was scanning the building from his vantage point in full gear. Did he hear the buzzing sound of his phone going off. He went to pick it up, and it was a familiar British voice. "Hello Slade, how is New York City treating you? You have any progress on Walsh?" Slade replied, "Hey, Wintergreen, things have been fine so far, and I have. The weapons are being sent to an Alto Electronics building, and I was just about to do some recon on the place." "Alto Electronics?" Wintergreen sounded confused, "The tech company? Why are they in the business of weapon smuggling?" "No idea, but they are, and Walsh seems to be connected to it." "Hmmm, well...." The sudden noise of static coming from his phone. "What was that Wintergreen? I cannot hear you." "Slade...." Then the phone went silent, and a confused Slade put down his binoculars to figure out what happened to his phone. All it showed was a black screen, and then it said that service was out. "What the hell," Slade was both confused and concerned. Was this a phone problem or something else? Thinking back, there should be no way for Walsh to know that he was tracking him or even in New York City. So why is his phone not working? As Slade fiddled with his phone, he made no progress with it. Out of the corner of his eye did he spot something strange, and he stared at it for a moment before putting his phone away and looking with his binoculars. Using the maximum zooming distance, the things had and spotted something very strange. "Why is there a giant wave and...." He watched as it went out of view, leaving him with more questions than answers. "What in the world is going on?" Slade asked himself as he put down the binoculars. First, the phone and this, something is happening in New York City, and while he was keen on scoping out Alto Electronics and finding a lead on Walsh. His gut told him that he needed to investigate this, even if the phone and the wave are unrelated. So, Slade put his binoculars away and left the rooftop. The last time he was here, it was a pleasant and fun time, and now it looks like things might be getting more interesting than Slade would have thought.