[hider=Mercil] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][i]Mercil'lian Altra Alinx[/i][/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Age:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][i]39[/i][/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Sex:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][i]M[/i][/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Species:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][i]Kriyuuan. [hider=Species Details & History] Lithe and hairless with human-like height. They are omnivorous, tetradactyly and digitigrade with dense musculature and bones. They have powerful lengths of tendons and a thin cartilage-rich tail, the tip of which suggests it was an appendage used for hunting small fish in primordial days. These features allow them to have a powerful total-body contraction. Utilizing their substantial ligaments and facia to brace their organs and restrict blood flow enables them to withstand much higher G-forces than most races. Kriyuuans have black pearly eyes with shimmering striations that surround the pupil. There is noticeable eye-shine even during the day which some find off-putting. Females can have a variety of cartilage crests about their heads and spine which can stiffen with emotional stimuli, it too evolved from a method of protection; males having no crest but thicker trunk and neck. Their skin color is between a sand to grey and grey-teal. Kriyuuans are in distant relation to an amphibious mammal and have a deep relationship with waterside life. They can hold their breathe for many minutes and handle hundred-meter depths in pressure. They have an affinity for tool use, and while a very agile species, don't yet have much potential in hand-to-hand fighting. Kriyuu is the 5th planet in the Gaol system at the edge of frontier space on Confederate starmaps. Characterized by high humidity, Hot days, and frigid nights. The seasonal changes of which are less noticeable than earth. The planet is about 1.2x the earths mass, 27% ribbons of land, 31% saltwater, 42% freshwater which is one of its greatest galactic commodities besides amphibious agriculture equipment, unique produce, mineral compounds, and mecha tech. Despite the Kriyuuan's meek appearance, they are historically a war-mongering race who otherwise have strong agricultural systems and aqua-farms. The flux number of oligarchy's that constituted their species were locked in ritualistic wars. Land or resource competition became scarce as civilization grew. They fought for ascendancy in status, skill, and spirit. This ceremony of small-scale battle was the catalyst for innovation though it digressed progress to near double that of human's path to the stars. Their early years of interstellar travel saw the expansion of their ritual wars with the lack of collateral concern. They are one of several pioneers of mecha technology, accomplishing a uniquely quality practical craftmanship and fighting independent of alien influence. Although, their frames were not like mecha today as what defined their wars were different. By modern times they would incorporate alien designs to address the many varying threats of the galaxy and their own outlawed conventions. During the second Interstellar war between the Solar Hegemony and Galactic Confederacy, the Illyxn Armada —the dominant party on Kriyuu, governing off-world matters and a significant portion of the planet —sided against the GC, which at the time had more restrictive unifying policies, albeit necessary for their objectives. They blockaded key routes around their recognized zones to SH targets, disallowing the GC advantageous strategies which resulted in costly decisions. One standoff between an Illyx patrol and distressed Confederate Commander provoked an attack from the Kriyuuans which sparked another war front. Officially the Kriyuuans were in league with the SH despite near limited solidarity. During the war no direct aid was provided between the two factions except that the SH took advantage of this distribution in forces to make their own moves. The Kriyuuans take great pride in their militant class and constructs, used only for specialized conflicts and their ritualized battles. Because of this they lacked the infrastructure and numbers to withstand a force as large as the GC. The sheer scale and versatility of the GC strategems overwhelmed the Kriyuuans void-space and combat prowess within a year. Their military was leashed to Kriyuu, space-lanes were stripped, and heavy sanctions imposed. Many years later, with a crippled galactic presence, a Kriyuu patrol and exploration fleet made contact with the Qu'ren. The infestation of known confederate space leaked into the two secondary Kriyuuan occupied systems, resulting in the loss of nearly all life and both systems. At this point their Armada had been reactivated against the GC charter. When a scouting swarm breached the Gaol system, the kriyuuans made a desperate attempt to destroy them. The loss of Thyr'yu, a habitable moon marked the end of all offworld progress. They accomplished containing the Qu'ren on Thyr'yu with a heavy toll before they could manage engaging with the greater hive. The Alpha Kriyuu technocracy pleaded with the thinly spread Confederacy for support, quickly negotiating a treaty that would indoctrinate them into the GC. For recieving a force to purge the swarm around Thyr'yu, they offered in total their remaining fighting forces to quell the rest of the enemy around Confederate space. This marked a new era of interspecies connection and politics for Kriyuuans. The peoples of the Confederate Technocracy of Kriyuu (CTK) number 1.6 Billion in the galaxy, with 95% remaining in their home system. Accordingly, they account for a considerably small percent of representation in the Confederate council. They are generally stoic and conceited by nature. Specialization in different professions grants near equal measure of respect, and great competition. They are instinctually driven to grow along their family unit and compete with the greater society. Their primal motivations for freedom or power are less than that of humans, which loans one of their notable traits; their reliability. A caveat is their skepticism and criticism of other species in the Confederacy. In their home star-system they still conduct ritual conflicts, though they have been forbidden from expanding by the GC charter post war. Many of their people still refer to the mechanica military as the Illyxn Armada with pride despite it being officially the CTK Wing which commits auxiliary forces to the Confederacy. [/hider][/i][/color] [hider=Kriyuuan example] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/283f611d-84d2-4d36-afee-144d8ba4c6af/df9lkso-4303f340-9475-4897-9690-31918e8db6f5.jpg/v1/fit/w_828,h_1170,q_70,strp/draalani_entertainer_by_dariofish_df9lkso-414w-2x.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTgxMCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzI4M2Y2MTFkLTg0ZDItNGQzNi1hZmVlLTE0NGQ4YmE0YzZhZlwvZGY5bGtzby00MzAzZjM0MC05NDc1LTQ4OTctOTY5MC0zMTkxOGU4ZGI2ZjUuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.rtj-SYzgAe3vAEHTIq1v65jTCHNvkEycSl5j0GqibZI[/img][/hider] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][i] Mercil is an average height greyish variety Kriyuu. He has some notable pock marks along the left side of his face, shoulders, and arms from shrapnel wounds and a distinct pair of long deep wrinkles under the eyes beside his nose. His skin is slightly course and dry from prolonged life in sterile space. Apart from being more muscular than average for his species, the only difference is his tail seems to have been severed by several inches.[/i] [/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][i]Mercil embodies a cool-headed demeanor, navigating the chaos of interstellar diplomacy and combat with a calm precision that puts others at ease. With a sardonic wit that often catches the wrong side of colleagues, Mercil delivers it in most tense situations, using humor to defuse tension with a playful yet insightful and validating perspective. He's one to appreciate criticism, and more than welcome in returning it. Known for his reliability, Mercil has consistently come through in high-stakes scenarios, earning the respect and trust of his peers. Still, in equal measure behind this curtain is cynicism, that there's some truth in all his sarcasm and a deep-rooted sense of disdain for connecting with many Confederate "types". While others may flinch at the unpredictability of the cosmos, Mercil approaches missions with stubborn resolve, blending a keen strategic mind with a dose of levity that reminds everyone that even in the depths of space, a deep breath and steady hand can make all the difference.[/i][/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]History:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][i]Mercil was born on a northern peninsula of Kriyuu to parents who were eel farmers, a profession requires wrangling freshwater leviathans with special equipment. A labor he and his kin would toil with until they finished primary education. Afterwards, at 16 he became one of the draftees for military service, an honor in their culture, and necessity to address the looming Shodane threat. He was sufficiently trained in time to be deployed as a ground scout for a mecha squadron. He had one deployment, and thats all he needed to experience the brutallity of machine warfare and the marvel of Mecha combat. Having survived the war, at 23 he had Confederate standard secondary education, lanced an eel unaided, succeeded the trial of Pirinl pass, and laboriously studied and maintained Chimenti mecha. He was then chosen to squire for one of the Altra-Cavalier, a pilot of which this name bestowed. At 25 he received the approval of his mentor to enter the pilot program, having the acceptable knowledge, skills and discipline to begin. At 27 he was outfitted in his first mech, a BF-33v, and took the title Altra-Errant, being assigned to one of the battle campaigns along the equator. After three years of exceptional service he competed for a position in an advanced program to pilot the newer DMVF-44, but didn't make the initial cut by a hair. Sometime later he would be notified of his admission after one position opened. At 31 he was assigned to the CTK Wing and began his Interstellar journey. He served in numerous roles patrolling hazardous space in the name of the Confederation, representing his people, and earning some few measures of honor. He returned once to his home at 35 to participate in an interplanetary campaign where he faced opposing tribe mechs in space. He continues to pilot the QØS and has now been recommended to the Ranger Corps (CRC) for a new assignment[/i][/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Key facts:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray] [list] [*][i]His CTK rank is Altra-Cavalier[/i] [*][i]He goes by first name Mercil[/i] [*][i]His Mech adopted the moniker "Quality Of Service", representing its ID QØS, and the attentive approach of its pilot to the mission.[/i] [*][i]Owns a banjo procured from wreckage he investigated during a patrol.[/i] [*][i]There is a conspiracy that Kriyuuans have genetic relation to either Heg'ali or Gennajuree, due to similarities, and are a seed species which will turn on the GC when the Hegemony makes special contact. This is despite the common fact they are mammals, which somehow sprouted more conspiracy.[/i] [*][i]Likes naps, speaking in CSL(Confederate Standard Language), the solitary confines of his mecha, bodies of water, rude company, and hard liquor.[/i] [*][i]Dislikes GC bureaucracy, sweets, outward emotional connectedness, clumsiness, parties.[/i] [/list][/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Personal Gear:[/b][/color] [list] [*][i][color=darkgray]Illyxn flight suit[/color][/i] [*][i][color=darkgray]MI Quicksilver Machine pistol[/color][/i] [*][i][color=darkgray]CRC light armor kit. [/color][/i] [*][i][color=darkgray]Carbon-fiber hatchet[/color][/i] [*][i][color=darkgray]CRC survival kit[/color][/i] [/list] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Speciality:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][i]Assault and Denial [/i][/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Anything Else:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray] He's really just a hillbilly with that good old sound [url]https://youtu.be/2C7F_JTzYk0?si=8wxXlySWxP6GrYfI[/url] And I guess his drama tune [url]https://youtu.be/Bg1NUBLK1tk?si=0zEELCUJERchJmWD[/url][/color][/hider] [hider=VF-44d Chimenti] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Mecha Name:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray]VF-44d Chimenti, QØS, "Quality Of Service"[/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Type:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray]Multi-role, Dual-Mode Variable Fighter[/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Crew:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray]Pilot[/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray]This VF-44d is painted completely grey with a radar absorbent material to help reduce its stealth profile. The mech ID characters Q Ø S are emblazoned in black over the "heart" of the mech. The pilot's signature tribal marking, three rectangular slate-blue slashes adorn the right shoulder plate.[/color] [hider=Q0S Battroid Mode] [img]https://u.cubeupload.com/Infitalias/20241005172025.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Q0S Fighter Mode] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/caa3a254-cd4c-4adc-b95a-c5e3f39c03ef/ddcoukb-8745bb0e-fd32-4c90-b229-381a99c14c82.png/v1/fill/w_1064,h_751,q_70,strp/ionsphere_fb22__1__by_4_x_s_ddcoukb-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTc2NSIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2NhYTNhMjU0LWNkNGMtNGFkYy1iOTVhLWM1ZTNmMzljMDNlZlwvZGRjb3VrYi04NzQ1YmIwZS1mZDMyLTRjOTAtYjIyOS0zODFhOTljMTRjODIucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTI1MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.Nzb-MLaQdRewOIXGvnC5r3HJh3Dj_CeK7JHcGctekjc[/img] [/hider] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Stats:[/b][/color][list][color=darkgray] Battroid Dimensions: 15.1m x 8.6m x 7m Fighter Dimensions: 14.6m x 9.1m x 7m GERWALK Dimensions: N/A Mass: 20.1 mt (Empty), 38.8 mt (Full Combat Loadout) Performance Highlights Battroid Mode: Capable of pilot-lethal extreme-G maneuvers (10-145 G's) Fighter Mode: Mach 2.5 @ 10,000m. Self-Orbit capable on 1.1G planet w/o payload GERWALK Mode: Invalid configuration [/color][/list] [color=#C1CDCD]CQB[/color] [color=cadetblue]▮▮▮▮▮▮[/color][color=darkslategray]▯▯▯▯[/color] [color=#C1CDCD]LRB[/color] [color=cadetblue]▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮[/color][color=darkslategray]▯▯[/color] [color=#C1CDCD]ARMOR[/color] [color=cadetblue]▮▮▮▮[/color][color=darkslategray]▯▯▯▯▯▯[/color] [color=#C1CDCD]SHIELDS[/color] [color=cadetblue]▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮[/color][color=darkslategray]▯[/color] [color=#C1CDCD]AIRSPD[/color] [color=cadetblue]▮▮▮▮▮[/color][color=darkslategray]▯▯▯▯▯[/color] [color=#C1CDCD]LNDSPD[/color] [color=cadetblue]▮▮▮▮▮[/color][color=darkslategray]▯▯▯▯▯[/color] [color=#C1CDCD]BOOST[/color] [color=cadetblue]▮▮▮▮▮▮[/color][color=darkslategray]▯▯▯▯[/color] [color=#C1CDCD]AGILITY[/color] [color=cadetblue]▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮[/color][color=darkslategray]▯[/color] [color=#C1CDCD]SENSORS[/color] [color=cadetblue]▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮[/color][color=darkslategray]▯▯[/color] [color=#C1CDCD]SYSTEMS[/color] [color=cadetblue]▮▮▮▮▮▮[/color][color=darkslategray]▯▯▯▯[/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray][list] (RM option 1) 1 x Shyrahi'yung-AD8 Plasma Accelerator Type-D. --(Fighter: Stowed R dorsal, Battroid: Right manipulator) --(30 rpm single fire) --(Illyx squadron standard. Discharges statically charged bolts of plasma, impact radius briefly scrambles wave measuring systems like radar) (RM option 2) 1 x Howard GU-17A 5-barrel 58mm Gatling Gun. --(Fighter: R dorsal fuselage, Battroid: R manipulator) --(800 rpm, single, burst, auto fire) --(Confederate standard for effective sustained machine battle) 1 x BorunduDyna AP-PB-12 Pile Lance. --(Fighter: Stowed in ventral fuselage over generator, Batteroid: L forebrace) --(x3 Reloadable Armor Piercing Goring Charges. Steel lancets with deliverable payload.) --(Can be used for intercepting CQB strikes, impaling thrusts, or delivering charge) 2 x Remington ES-28A 20mm HRF Machine Guns --(Fighter: Internal outboard L/R intakes, Battroid: Internal L/R hip or L/R ) --(1000/2500 rpm, auto 1, auto 2 fire) --(Option for light targets, fast targets, grazing fire) 2 x KMAero VCM-11 4x2 Smart-couplet vertical launch missiles racks. (x16 missiles total) --(Fighter: L/R Inboard Wing mounts, Battroid: L/R shoulder batteries) --(2 modalities: delayed tracking, split-in-2 on approach) --(Smart munition with increased hit probability, flank-targeting compatible) 2 x Pjulizzi SC-T3 500kg or 1000kg Stealth Cascade Torpedoes. --(Fighter: Side-by-side ventral fuselage, Battroid: Rear deltoid pylons) --(Space ONLY: Proxy-tracking heavy stealth munition. Detonation emits EMP reverberation) --(Atmosphere ONLY: Fighter-launched Proxy-Guided Direct Attack Munition. EMP Reverb. No Battroid launch capability.) [/list][/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray] [list] Vyl'ryllia Beta-particle buckler shield --(Fighter: Centerline dorsal cockpit module, Battroid: Centerline Dorsal) --(Emits radioactive energy field, rapidly erodes incoming and outgoing signal wavelengths and munitions passing through the field) --(Illyx Armada tech. Significant collateral danger. Use only authorized in space.) Vyl'ryllia Coop Avionics Suite --(Fighter: Nose and L/R ventral and dorsal fuselage, Battroid: Head-mount and L/R Dorsal and ventral chassis) --(Frigate-class sensors. Range & accuracy of reconnaissance sensors, speed and versatility of combat sensors.) --(Robust blend of Illyx Armada and Confederate tech with high performance when isolated from ISR network.) Head-mounted Display interface --(Helmet integrated with HUD and sensor info. Allows pilot to have 360* HUD and targeting) Over-drag Thrust-vectoring --(High-signature, explosive (de)acceleration but bleeds out speed.) Outboard sustainment hardpoints --(Leg and dorsal hardpoints for securing various support equipment or additional plasma ampule. Atmospheric Entry Rigging --(Ejectable Shield chassis with burst-reverse thruster and parachute rigging.) [/list][/color] [color=#C1CDCD][b]Other info:[/b][/color] [color=darkgray] [hider=DMVF-44 Chimenti History & Q0S Service History] The VF-44d Chimenti is based on the core unit of the Illyx Armada the Chimenti-22v, redesigned and dubbed the BF-33v for better synergy with Confederate forces after their transition into the CTK. Its last overhaul came with the technology for variable fighters which saw the advantages of fast airborne craft finally round out the atmospheric capabilities of mechs. The technology for a stable GERWALK Mode has not been implemented, favoring other capabilities. Complications in the transition resulted in them being fielded a decade later than most of the confederate variable fighters, but also the improvements answered many flaws in the original design. Still, they face pressure from the GC to mitigate the expense of their pilots; there is no ejection module or lethal-G countermeasures. It also currently has limited modularity options. The QØS has a service history of 8 years, of which it was flown by two pilots. The first perished during his second round of combat with a rival faction on Kriyuu due to injuries sustained during their remarkably turbulent battles. The second is Mercil, who pilots with 3 confederate combat banners. During his service with the Confederate Navy the QØS has been deployed as an anchoring point for friendly and civilian vessels in several hostile territories. On two occasions fending off attacks from a pirate squadrons near Rencillus B. The second banner is for a deployment in support of routing a coup on a weaker Confederate planet in civil war, threatened to collapse and fall from the alliance. The third banner is representative of the confederacy honoring the Kriyuuan ceremonial skirmishes, which are true battles on all accounts and could influence their standing in the GC. He has claimed victory in 2 skirmishes, defeating 5 mecha and dozens of armored platforms of rival factions. For the purposes of the mission this unit has been coated in radar absorbent grey paint, unique from most of the Chimenti models which have distinctive patterns and colors. Its missile batteries and secondary guns were also designed with internal bays in order to help reduce its radar signature. [/hider] END [/color] [/hider]