[center][img]https://cdn-ssl.s7.shopdisney.com/is/image/ShopDisney/mb_captain-america_20220926_2x?fit=constrain&cropN=0,0,1,1&fmt=jpeg&qlt=90&wid=1200[/img][/center] [b][right]FORMER SOVIET PRISON // UNKNOWN LOCATION[/RIGHT][/B] [b]0820HRS[/b] Steve dove behind a nearby pillar. Feeling the shock as the intended blow hit it, instead of him. The heat permeated the beam, and he scowled. He could hear the chaos spreading throughout the prison, no doubt some of it was fellow prisoners hearing the chaos and taking their chance to make their own bid for freedom. A knot tied in his stomach, but he couldn't allow to give it purchase. Yes there were no doubt prisoners whose only crime, like Piotr, was not capitulating to those in power. There were however, truly hardened and despicable prisoners who [i]deserved[/i] to be contained until which time they were rehabilitated to re-enter society. Not that much of that happened here. Wincing internally as he rolled to avoid a red fist to the face he chastised himself for allowing himself to become distracted and thoughts to wander. Maybe it had been too long since he had been in a [i]real[/i] fight. Ducking under the incoming jab, he followed through with a couple of quick punches to Sokovs gut. With as much weight behind it as possible she wobbled slightly on her feet, and he ducked down and swept his right leg taking her feet out from under here. Steve didn't even wait to watch her hit the floor before he turned and ran. He and Alexei had talked through this scenario, like many other escape attempts, many times over the years. The library was the meeting place, central to both of their cells and yet close to Piotrs. No man left behind afterall. Prisoners shouted and swore at him in their cells as he ran. Occasionally ducking into cover when he heard the sound of military boots. He didn't have the time, or the means to get into a prolonged fight. His heart racing by the time he reached the library. "[i]Halt![/i]" Steve froze as he felt the tip of a gun in the centre of his back, he went to twist for it when he heard another one cock behind him. Two to one, point blank range. Even he wasn't a fan of those odds. A yelp, a shot, he twisted away from the gun aiming to bring his palm up under it but was too late as it was already being knocked away. Alexei finished knocking them to the ground, his usual unruly long hair tied into a military style ponytail. Beard trimmed and respectable, no longer the homeless old man. This was a man of action. [color=steelblue]"So I got knocked out, and you got a makeover?"[/color] [color=indianred]"The ruse is over comrade, today we escape or we die. Either way, I look good."[/color] [color=steelblue]"That's it Alexei, think optimistically."[/color] Alexei knelt down and picked up a pistol, pulling out the cartridge. Satisfied, he offered it to Steve who waved it off. Alexei merely shrugged and pulled the older guards sidearm from its holster. They turned as they heard the hammering of boots. Heavier than before. Sure enough around the corner came guards dressed in riot gear, the first one dropped before they even registered the two super soldiers. The second was winged before the rest took cover back behind the corner. [color=indianred]"We must get to Piotr-"[/color] There was a large crashing noise from below as a crimson hand broke through the concrete and pulled Steve. He felt like his entire leg going to go through the hole by itself, though thankfully by some miracle the rest of his body followed it. Steve could practically feels all the bruises on his body as he was thrown to the other side of the room. Trying to tuck himself into as small a shape as possible. An involuntary groan escaped his lips as he collided with the wall. There was no time to feel sorry for himself though as he rolled towards Sokov, making her miss her attack by going straight over his head. The crimson dagger that had formed in her hand slicing effortlessly into the concrete. [color=steelblue]"Thor-"[/color] He tried to shout, but before he could finish she was on him again. They twisted and turned back and forth. While she couldn't find her way to beat him in skill, her raw power coupled with his being caught off guard and injured. This wasn't a fight he was going to win. Not easily, if at all.