[hider=BlackJack] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] John "Blackjack" Tyrell [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 33 [u][b]Sex:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Species:[/b][/u] Human-Valkyrii hybrid [hider=Valkyrii] A minor race from the planet Valkyra, winged humanoid clones force-grown and programmed in large egg-shaped incubators known as "Mothers." All clones are female and uniquely telepathic among members of their own race. Their most notable feature, their wings, are impractical for flight in anything greater than 1/5th standard gravity - Valkyra itself is at 1.17 standard gravities. Officially, Valkyra is listed as an "abandoned colony" as the first generation to step out of the Mothers over a milleniuum ago found themselves inside the hold of an interstellar cargo ship. The Valkyra had been stripped of almost everything valuable and all logs erased, except for a coded entry FFFF 011E noting the automatic activation of the ship's emergency landing thrusters. Due to a lack of resources, the ship was further gutted as the Valkyrii needed to carve out the rock to expand the natural caverns to protect themselves from the storms that constantly ravage the surface. The ship was of a standard design for its time, and the few remaining artifacts from the ship were sourced to over a dozen worlds once contact had been established. As Valkyra is a resource-poor world, they usually seek off-world employment as mercenaries, bodyguards, zero-g construction engineers, and biochemists. Valkyrii who have completed four tours with the expeditionary forces can request "free flight," which allows them to go off and explore, including the lease of mothballed equipment. More information to come.[/hider] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider][img]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/416x567q70/922/6Mltcr.png[/img][/hider] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u]Friendly and dependable, rarely forgetting a line on set or smiling for the cameras off of it, it's offset by his obsession with his appearance and seemingly carefree attitude that's frustrated a few of his former commanders. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] Former child actor, son of Mounoga, the Valkyrii and James Tyrell. Graduate of the Campbell Military Academy. His sister Mary got him stranded after a location shoot on Ecarro, he spent three months hiking back to civilization, then hired on as an Ordinary Spaceman aboard the merchant ship Musk in order to work his passage back to Earth. On his arrival two years later, a friend of Mary's arranged for Able Spaceman John to be drafted and picked up as soon as he disembarked from the shuttle. The Navy, concerned about their image, decided to assign the young ensign to the Shore Patrol to keep him away from the fighting - and little chance of advancement. He switched service after his first term to the Army, rising to the rank of Captain with the 27th Special Mecha Unit. [u][b]Key facts:[/b][/u] [list] [*] His eyes shine in the dark like an animal's when they reflect light. [*] Non-Valkyrii telepaths act like he's a hole in the air as they can't sense him mentally; or complain he gives them nasty headaches if they try to force their way into his mind. [*] He always carries a deck of cards. [*] Scars on his back from where his vestigial wings were removed. There's still a fine down along his shoulders. [*] Age 8, overheard his father demanding to know who John's real father was. Ran away from home for two months. [*] His younger sister Mary hates him intensely for no reason he can think of. [*] When his unit heard he'd been a Navy Shore Patrolman, they nicknamed him Blackjack, the traditional weapon carried by the SP. [*] Has his mother's casual interest in alien archeology. [*] Fluent in Trade, the obscure interstellar language that is still standard for the Valkyrii. [*] In his unguarded moments, may be found reciting a curious nursery-rhyme his mother translated for him while he was still in the womb. [/list] [u][b]Personal Gear:[/b][/u] [list] [*]Ocular Implants, Interstellar Traveller model 5 [*]Bone Conductor Implants, Interstellar Traveller Model 5 [*]Mk 9 Throat Mic [*]M10 Pattern Ballistic Helmet [*]M3 Pattern Personal Armor [*]Mk2 Combat webbing [*]M4 Programmable Bioplas Ulster [*]M6 Infra-Red masking Camouflage Poncho with liner [*]X98 Bullpup rifle [*]M4A4 Tactical pistol [*]Khukri knife [*]M70 Utility Sling pack [*][hider=Omni, Interstellar Traveller model 6a] [img]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/496x875q90/922/dvNXJD.png[/img][/hider] [*]Big Casino Hacking Device [*]M2156 Osmosis Canteen [*]Ration tubes, 12 pack, Tapioca Flavor [*]M6 Individual First Aid Kit [*]Entrenching tool [*]Mk 3 Multi-tool [*]Grease stick [*]Flight box Professional Makeup Case, Medium [/list] [u][b]Speciality:[/b][/u] Stealth/Infiltrator and Public Relations. [u][b]Anything Else:[/b][/u] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la5whlCAkAM[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Ziggy] [u][b]Mecha Name:[/b][/u] Ziggy [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Light Scout Modular Mecha [u][b]Crew:[/b][/u] Single pilot [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Ziggy][img]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/394x600q70/923/XGdOIp.png[/img][/hider] [u][b]Stats:[/b][/u] Height: Ulster 12m/ wings folded 15m DeathAngel wingspan: 9.2m Mass: Ulster 5.9 tons/ operational load: 10.2 tons Performance: Flight: Mach 2.23 at 11,000m Running: 90kph [u][b]Weapons:[/b][/u] IXIS A19 Prototype Sonic Blast (Headgear) Orion Arms 11-Aught T-2 Laser (handheld, thigh maglock) IXIS PVP Combat Claw (right arm mount) Orion Arms Plasma Cannon (left arm mount) [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] Radar (Ulster) LiDAR (Headgear) IR Tracking System (Headgear) Eagle Eye LR camera (headgear) Flight camera (headgear) HUD Targeting (pilot helmet) Chaff/flares (Deathangel backgear) Sandcasters/Smoke (Frontgear) Floodlight (center of chest frontgear) Radar/Laser passive warning system Passive Stealth, outfitted with deployable radar reflector panels. DeathAngel variable wing backgear with canard rear wing - removable. Leg thrusters for VTOL Cockpit Bullpup gun mount, two magazine pouches w/belt Cockpit storage bins for personal gear Inflatable one-person life raft with survival kit [u][b]Other info:[/b][/u] Vantablack with dark olive drab highlights Reflect underlayer for laser protection [/hider]