As Fellwing calls out to the Moons once more, she starts to feel a tingling in her incorporeal form as the light, freeing energy of Liberty seeps out of her and is replaced with a strange... hollowness. She still feels light, but in a much less pleasant sort of way. Whereas before the lack of weight allowed her to move much more freely, to [i]act[/i] much more freely than she would while restrained by her physical form, here it felt like so much weight had been taken from her that she didn't feel anchored to this world anymore... that she would float off and dissipate entirely at a moment's notice. As she was becoming aware of this, she would start to notice that her legs in particular had gone numb, and when she looks down, she'll notice that they'll start moving without her input, pushing her forward towards the threads. Once she's close enough, one of her front claws will raise and she'll notice it'll look much sharper than normal. In a single movement, her claw grasps at the threads and then yanks them out, like how gardener might pull out a weed by its roots. There is a bright flash as the magic that once guarded this cave is expelled, releasing from the form the spell held it in and returning to the moons. When it does so, that light also envelopes Fellwing's spirit form, freeing it as well. Fellwing opens her eyes, and finds herself back in her physical form... with someone standing over her. It's definitely not a dragon. In fact, on first glimpse she thinks it's some kind of beast, given it's more animalistic features - cat-like eyes, two stubby horns on its head and overall very gorilla-like shape - but its skin is unlike any animal hide she's ever seen, glistening in the light more like marble. When she rises from her trance, the creature gives a startled snort and takes a few steps back, all the while muttering to itself "Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh!" and before it ends up backing into a tree. Once it realises it can't back away any further, it crouches down to the ground, covering its face as if it hopes it not be able to see Fellwing somehow means Fellwing can't see [i]it[/i]. [hr] Coryn looks down at his front claws, seeming a little embarrassed. [color=FF7F7F]"I mean I could but..."[/color] he mutters. [color=FF7F7F]"I don't want to bother them. There's dragons with far more debilitating conditions. I don't want to take away time or resources."[/color] [hr] [color=8D3A19]"Slow down, young one!"[/color] Rudrick said with a laugh as Shieldwing bombarded him with questions. Again, he didn't seem to mind at all, in fact seeming to appreciate the red drake's enthusiasm. He paused for a moment as he tried to recall exactly what he had just been asked. [color=8D3A19]"Let's see... well, me and Garrock were always a little more heavy-set than other dragons our age. Well, me a little more than him, obviously."[/color] He chuckles. [color=8D3A19]"Now that I think of it, I wonder if Dawrie had an easier time with it."[/color] He pauses, as if in wistful contemplation before remembering where he is. [color=8D3A19]"What was I saying?"[/color] he says with a shake of his head. [color=8D3A19]"Ah yes, me and Garrock. It took us a while to really get the hang of flying. Taking off was always difficult for Garrock, I don't think he enjoyed the feeling not having sturdy rock beneath his feet. For me, though, the issue was always landing..."[/color] He chuckles.[color=8D3A19] "I used to get so battered, and Garrock would get annoyed with me... but I think it was mostly because he was worried I'd genuinely hurt myself. He's not very good with the softer side of concern, usually comes out as anger or frustration, but you've probably noticed that by now."[/color] He chuckles as he considers Shieldwing's other questions. [color=8D3A19]"To be honest, I don't think winged drakes ever really properly 'master' flying until they're nearer longtooth. Sure there are some who excel at it better than others, but your wings are still growing and you are still growing into your wings. Actually, it's only towards the end of being a longtooth that your wingspan reaches the width it will be for the rest of your life so..."[/color] He shrugs. [color=8D3A19]"Plus, I've heard other Semscale dragons state that all of life is learning process, and some dragons take to certain elements of life quicker than others."[/color] He pauses again before answering Shieldwing's final question. [color=8D3A19]"As for you when you're about fly... I mean, I haven't really seen you in the air, so I can't really make any judgements on your form or anything like that. But you would have had to fly veer the air currents when on your mission so..."[/color] He looks down at the red drake. [color=8D3A19]"When you were in the air, what did it feel like? was there anything you had particular problems with? Did you feel any discomfort or are experience any pain after gliding for an extended time?"[/color]