[h2][center][color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi Hasegawa[/color][/center][/h2] [center]Meridi-At-Han[/center] [center]Lvl 8 [color=BFBFBF]Zenkichi[/color] - (6/80) -> Lvl 8 (7/80) (+1 Pending) [/center] [center]Word count: 371 words [/center] Thankfully, the other Seekers stepped in to stop Grimm and the Witch from killing each other before it was too late, with Goldlewis and Zenkichi standing back and watching. He might’ve felt bad if his fellow Former Turk and his carnival game climbing partner hadn’t gotten everything well taken care of. As it was, Zenkichi didn’t really feel any guilt over his inaction, this time. The Witch, at first glance, didn’t seem terribly threatening, but that fight alone showed that first impressions could be far from reality with how much firepower she was casually slinging. Grimm, on the other hand, had an otherworldly menace about him that belied his power, and the small Grimmchild he summoned once the battle had ended gave Zenkichi a shiver down his spine. Something seemed [i]wrong[/i] about the little thing, but far be it from Zenkichi to try and dig deeper into that. With immaculate timing, pun fully intended, Sandalphon gave Goldlewis a call via the glyph system, and Zenkichi’s heart skipped a beat when he realized what the former Secretary was doing, a tiny smile worming its way onto Zenkichi’s face before he shook it off his head. Now was serious time, dammit! It sounded like the veteran was getting a bit of a hard time from their angelic eye in the sky. Chuckling to himself a little, Zenkichi followed along after Goldlewis, passing him to give the big guy the opportunity to handle the introductions to both Grimm and the Witch. If they wanted to come along, then by all means they could. As the Seekers and their potential new recruits gathered up outside Meridi-At-Han, Zenkichi’s eyes wandered upward. They wouldn’t see the Avenger unless it wanted to be seen, but instinct had his eyes scanning the sky for the ship nonetheless. [color=BFBFBF]”It’ll be good to see everybody again. Though, I guess it hasn’t been as long for me as it has for the rest of you guys, considering I only showed up partway through the week.”[/color] Zenkichi mused aloud. He would’ve liked for the Thieves to join up with the Seekers proper, but Joker was used to leading, not following. And maybe once they found Haru, they could have a proper reunion, too.