[center][h2][color=#008b8b]Fionn MacKerracher[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [color=#008b8b][i]"Please[/i] behave yourself,"[/color] Fionn muttered as Gertrude passed by on her way around the others and out of the room. As of yet, he had no clue what sort of effects (if any) the summoning might have on [i]him,[/i] given the nature of his relationship with Fiadh. However, he certainly didn't want to risk anything bad happening, or Gertrude's attitude causing problems once the Niyar actually showed up. In another moment, though, he had his hands on Tyaethe's shoulders, holding her down lest she start rocking or bouncing to match the happy smile on her face. [color=#008b8b]"Bit south for Rozenalt, isn't it?"[/color] he mused; while Rozenalt was still a popular enough subject of various tales and stories to make it into whatever novel Renar had been discussing with princess Elisandre, as far as [i]he[/i] knew from the myth Rozenalt was at least [i]slightly[/i] more likely to stay in Velt. If it was going to be dealing with the wild hunt, surely Thaln had more than enough of its own disgraced and villainous noble or royal figures to show up in the lead. Either way, he at least had to figure out a way to keep [i]Tyaethe's[/i] unhidden enthusiasm for fighting the hunt under control, to try and avoid sending any of the servants into a panic. [color=#008b8b]"Either way, if he or someone else should show up at the head of a Hunt, I'm afraid I have to insist that you let [i]your loyal forces[/i] protect you, my lord."[/color]