[center][abbr=Therion][img]https://i.imgur.com/af5E4Ko.png[/img][/abbr] [color=BC8DBF]Word Count: 604 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]10[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 88/100 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Mafia Town, Deep Blue Seaside[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color][/center] It was unfortunate for Therion that his opponent was the bombastic sort, even among the already energetic and wild wrestling invaders. Max shouted out the names of his special moves (which didn't even look that different from what Therion had seen the other wrestlers doing) and various one liners, and his booming voice drew in all kinds of fighters ready to rumble. They bodily threw themselves at both Max and Therion, aiming to take one of them out and claim victory against a tough opponent. They all fought for bragging rights, leaving pure destruction as a byproduct in their wake. The battle quickly got annoyingly chaotic for the thief, though he managed - having summoned his spectral sword after losing the sickles. "Wahahaha!" In comparison to Therion, who fought begrudgingly but swiftly in order to end things as quickly as possible, the American wrestler gladly accepted any and all challengers. Max put a show as he fought, even though the only audience was his fellow fighters. He thrust his shoulder and elbow in his opponent, drop kicked even the biggest wrestlers that stepped up to take him on, and was an all around menace that flung away everyone that came at him. He spun with his arms stretched out wide, clothes-lining two rumblers with a wide grin on his face. "Feel the BOOM!" It came to the point where Therion had figured that he could just shove any straggling fighters towards Max, and the man would take care of them for him. It worked out pretty well, as the wrestlers changed targets once they started getting pummeled by a superior wrestler. And when ashes flew and motes of light containing various costumed faces, Therion's wraith blade passed through them to absorb their vitality, undoing the damage he'd taken so far. By the time it was just Therion and Max again, the former was back in top shape, and the latter was breathing hard. The sunset colored light shown in the blonde man's eyes, but even if he hadn't been gleaming he didn't seem like the type to back down even when at a clear disadvantage like this. He raised his arms and splayed his fingers, ready to charge into a grapple - but his opponent was not going to meet him at his level. [color=BC8DBF]"No hard feelings,"[/color] Therion said, bringing the wraith blade up and slashing a deep gash into Max's chest as the man barreled toward him. The wrestler lurched, coughed, and finally fell. Therion rolled the shoulder of his blade arm, dispelling the weapon. He felt pretty good, especially since Max had done most of the work for him once things had really turned into a free-for-all around them. He scooped up the wrestler's spirit and tucked it away before making a beeline to higher ground. He ended up on the rooftop of some random building, surveying what he could see of the city from his perch. Not surprisingly, the place was wrecked. Not destroyed, but definitely in major need of cleaning up and repairs. From there he couldn't see the other side of the harbor, but he wondered how Nemma and the rest of the regulars around that area had fared. Maybe better, since they were on the opposite side of the island from where the ship had pulled in. [i]Right, the ship.[/i] Therion turned back toward the docks he'd come from, where the Seekers had been dining before all this started. With the attack having quieted down now, it didn't take long for him to pick his way back there to see if the raiding party had seen any success.