[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240913/88d1f7010f9998367709dd0d3df9c345.png[/img][/center] The smile and cheerful continence that Cora held dimmed as her new companions shared their tales of loss. She was pleased that the serene swordswoman had accepted her gift. The finer things in life, the small pleasures such as rare spices, brought far greater joy when shared well with others. She had not lost her home. She had not lost her family. But she had seen enough in her travels. She had heard the mourning cries. The growing darkness was unmistakable. And suffering was never far away. [b]"Verđandi"[/b], Cora said, testing the name judiciously with her tongue. She had always had a gift for languages. For maps and names. The northern tongues had always been of great interest to her. [b]"Your words are wise…and good! I am no fighter, this all can plainly see, but I seek to preserve this world. I save what was, not mere words or writings, but knowledge, so that someone can perhaps live to see what will be. What can be."[/b] Harmless as he was, as she spoke about her lofty ambitions, of the knowledge she sought to recover, Cora seemed suddenly shrouded in flames. A roaring conflagration fueled by her fervor, that burned brighter than the modest fire in front of her. For a moment, she seemed to tower far above her modest form. And then she laughed, at herself more than any other, dispelling the illusion…leaving only a young woman huddling in the cold. Putting down her now empty bowl of soup, Cora nodded to the fearsome mercenary with a gracious look of amusement that betrayed no notice of the amorous marks adorning his neck, [b]"And your words, Bane, your words are wise as well. Forgive me for my lack of caution. My teachers always said that the passions of my heart too often outpaced the deliberations of my mind. Unfortunately, it would seem that I have not yet managed to break this unwelcome habit."[/b] [b]"I am brought here, to this place and this moment, by my own rashness, perhaps,"[/b] Cora said, a flush of embarrassment, subtle red, apparent on her cheeks. [b]"I came searching for an old ruin, a famed monastery, rich in history, and once a place of great learning. I found it, of course, but my escorts proved to be the unreliable sort, and abandoned me early in our explorations muttering something about curses. Having no wish to depart empty handed I delayed my departure for some days until my work could be completed. Unprepared as I was for this sudden spell of cold weather, I was most grateful to stumble upon all of you and this most welcome fire!"[/b] Pausing to draw a deep breath, Cora buried a nervous laugh in her hands, shifting uncomfortably to readjust her traveling pack with sudden urgency, [b]Forgive me...I fear I have may have said too much...[/b] Finding her own nervousness impossible to avoid and wishing for no awkward silence, Cora desperately searched to shift the conversation. Unconvinced on the merits of pestering a masked man with pointed questions, she turned instead to their host, the old grizzled man who had doled out soup with endless generosity. [b]"Who are you kind, sir? To greet strangers with such kindness on a chill night such as this? Surely, you too must have a name and a story of your own?"[/b] Cora said, a charitable smile playing over her lips.