Putting up the first NPC for Roslyn's crew here. Tried to make him more of a hard hitter, but not sure if I accomplished that well. I wasn't sure how high of points for his magic I could go and didn't want him to overshadow her too much. [hider=Eike Agnarsson] [center][h2][color=7076B1][u]Eike Agnarsson[/u][/color][/h2][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/6e/e6/7b/6ee67b089ebce2a4f7ba5d7c4ec86d01.jpg[/img][/center][center][color=7076B1]“You're small for being a captain."[/color][/center][color=7076B1][center][h3][b] 38 | Male | Esklandish | Commoner | 8.10 [/b][/h3][/center][/color] [color=7076B1][h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3][/COLOR][indent]❖ [Gruff] ❖ [Stubborn] ❖ [Practical] ❖ [Patient] ❖ [Loyal][/indent][color=7076B1][h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3][/color][indent]❖[Eyes] Water Blue ❖[Hair] Dirty Blonde ❖[Skin] Fitzpatrick type III ❖[Height] 8' (about 243 cm) ❖[Weight] 275 lbs/ about 124 kg ❖[Physique] Brawny ❖[Distinct Physical Notes] Looks like a small giant from some fairytale, his face has a diagonal scar across it. It flows from the left side of his temple down to his right cheek. A small bit of it trails across his eye, though it is unharmed. It is unlikely that is the only one on his form. ❖[Style of Clothing/Accessories] Upon his large form is a simple, long sleeved tunic woven from traded furs and wool. It's worn in patches on his form and sewed up with tendon and sinew. Rarely is he ever seen without his [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/54/b4/f1/54b4f165cc9f91607b17fed17e378095.jpg]two handed ax[/url] that took him years to purchase. Upon the middle finger of his right hand rests an iron ring with a tiny garnet in the center. [/indent] [color=7076B1][h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3][/color]Eskandish- Native Avincian- Passable (rarely speaks it) Hendlish- Passable (speaks like a young child) [color=7076B1][h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3][/color]Mana types: Redblood, Titanblood [color=FFD700]Magnetic- 2 [/color] [color=FF8C00]Arcane- 4 [/color] [color=FF0000]Binding- 0 [/color] [color=BA55D3]Chemical- 5 [/color] [color=1E90FF]Kinetic- 5 [/color] [color=7076B1][h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3][/COLOR]Based on what he told her, he's an experienced sailor looking for a ship to serve on. At the time, it seemed like only the Nuvole Rosse was hiring and so he jumped on it. He made an intimidating impression as Hranf, his raven companion, took to the small captain immediately. [color=7076B1][h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S N O T E S [/u][/h3][/color] Hranf. A companion, wild raven that has followed Eike for years. He once found the small creature injured and spend a month nursing the creature back to health. The raven has been following him ever since. It is his eyes in the skies and surprise attack, the bird having a sharp mind and a clever wit. Some times, Hranf will play harmless pranks upon those he likes or give them affectionate nuzzles. While the bird might appear well tamed, he isn't and shows it through his nature. Hexcode:7076B1 [/hider]