[color=A0A0A0][h2]Fleuri Jodeau[/h2][/color] Fae tricks were outside of Fleuri's knowledge- this wasn't a matter that he knew how to deal with. Magic, in general, was not something that he was particularly useful for dealing with delicately. He was working on how to deal with magic [i]indelicately[/i], but that wasn't much use here. He had no objections to Fanilly's suggestion to summoning Fionn's fae friend, so he stood back and watched Gertrude perform the ritual. He doubted that Fiadh would know about this particular incident- after all, just because she was a fae didn't mean that she had anything to do with what happened here- but it stood to reason that she'd have some inside insight as to how fae think and operate, and what their magic is capable of doing.