[@Remram] Gothita stared up at him quietly, and then tilted her head at the statement of confirmation. Then Basil responded to her question. She once again didn’t really move, tilting her head a little in the other direction as she gazed up at him with wide, oval eyes. Then, though, Basil asked his next question. She looked down into the ground, not moving for a couple seconds as she was considering… [color=D3B4D2]‘Gothita,’[/color] she eventually said, grabbing the drawing tools to sketch out a drawing. Eventually, the result was presented back to Basil. [hider=drawing][img]https://i.imgur.com/57NV4FQ.png[/img][/hider] How he might best interpret the drawing was up to him. After that, it was Gothita’s turn to draw a question. She stared blankly at the new page she’d turned… [color=D3B4D2]‘Ita!’[/color] she finally realized something, and then excitedly drew something pretty fast. When she was done, she showed it to Basil and poked at her drawing over and over, looking up at him with wide eyes. [hider=drawing][img]https://i.imgur.com/HYknz6V.png[/img][/hider] [color=D3B4D2]‘Gothita! Ita!’[/color] she energetically asked. What does Basil think?