Ah--- She'd been distracted. She hadn't been ready. Everything was moving so quickly, now, that when she'd rushed for the edge of the ship in an effort to try and do something for Rudolf--- The monstrous sea creature's head was already bearing down on her. Its maw already gaping open. Heroes aren't supposed to allow their fear to conquer them, but in that instant, for only a moment, Robin's heart froze. The shadow engulfed her. The jaws snapped shut. ---She hadn't prepared herself. Even knowing that something was down there, she hadn't prepared herself at all. And now she'd pay for it. It wasn't like she'd be able to tell the old man about this. Not given she was about to die. Long before she was able to make a name for herself. Long before she could truly call herself a hero. All the effort put into her by her old man was wasted. She'd completely failed her allies, too. In that single instant where she ran to help Rudolf, she'd been doomed. All of these thoughts crossed her mind in a single instant. In the fraction of a second that followed, she thrust her blade upwards, burying it in the roof of the serpentine creature's mouth. Of course she should have caught it. Of course she shouldn't have been caught like this is in the first place. It was failing to follow the teachings she'd received from her old man so closely. But if she wanted to be a hero, she had to be able to get out of even the tightest and most difficult situations, against all odds. These jaws tightening around her, this yawning throat threatening to swallow her down and plunge her into whatever awaited her below--- It was dark. Tight. Terrifying. But how could she say she aspired to be a hero if she really thought this was the end? Robin gritted her teeth. By thrusting her sword into the roof of the monster's mouth, she made it so she couldn't be swallowed as long as she held on. And now--- Magical energy flowed through her blade, growing brighter, and brighter--- [hr] From the outside, it would have appeared as if Robin had completely disappeared, swallowed by one of the monstrous heads that had erupted from the ocean. At least, for a few moments. But then something strange happened. The head began to twitch, then jerked. Something was going on inside of it, near the back of its throat. A light seemed to be building through its teeth and growing brighter, and brighter. In an instant, the glow had exploded through the top of its head, then spread out wider, tearing apart its constructed form of water and sending it spraying across the deck of the ship. Soaking wet, Robin hurtled into the air. She'd done it! She'd made it out! It was hard to take everything in, but she'd tried to throw herself in the direction of the boat--- Ah. Hitting the deck wouldn't be any good, not from this height. The world began to rush upwards around her. Getting out of being eaten alive by a water monster just to fall and break every bone in her body really wouldn't be a good ending for a hero's story---! Her left hand lashed out, hoping to find something to wrap around. To her momentary relief, she found it. Her gloved fingers wrapped around the ship's rigging, and though the sharp jerk to her arm came close to yanking it out of its socked, aside from a little pain she had otherwise escaped serious harm. "Aah..." Se probably should have said something about being too difficult to digest, or something else equally heroic, but for the moment she was just glad to be out and able to rejoin the fight.