[hider] Ignore that Tokyo person, they don't even roleplay and will stalk your posts. Utter rubbish.[/hider] [img]https://i.imgur.com/BHhcpZg.png[/img] As for advice. Hm. Well you're on the first step even by seeking to improve yourself. That said, I find emulation helps. Find a book or another roleplayer's content that vibes with you and, don't 100% copy it obviously, but try to integrate elements of what you find enjoyable into your own plots and format. Over time you'll become more confident. Also try different genres and get a feel for what's more intuitive to you to even write as a way to filter down doing the above. For me, I like getting into arguments. So here, "Arena" content is a natural fit, since I really don't give a shit if things get terse OOC and that's usually gonna happen in those. Some people are more inclined for romantic genres meanwhile, or historical roleplay, etc. Once you have a lock on that, seek out others who've done the thing you're wanting to do in broad strokes. Best mirror is in another.