[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjExNi5mODAwMDAuVW05b2FYUWdRVzFoY2cuMA/blackchancery.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RckTIZf.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=lavender] [color=red]Time:[/color] Morning, 10am [color=red]Location:[/color] Edward’s home, for Drake’s party [color=red]Interactions:[/color] Nahir [@Rodiak], Wulfric [@Silverpaw], Farim [@Lava Alckon], Anastasia [@princess], Stratya [@CitrusArms], Olivia [@Potter] [hr] Prince Wulfric did not disappoint, a list of suggestions rolled off the man’s tongue, each one sounding better than the last. [color=red][i]Unending pasta! And a pool! Indugles paired with excise to both rekindle the appetite and work off all that pasta! Water slides! Gambling! An athletic area and a stadium![/i][/color] Everything the Prince mentioned packed the summer full of excitement, so much to do, so much to see. Rohit’s grin widened as Prince Wulfric attempted to warn him off the highly potent cocktails. Guests rolling around in the grass, the birthday boy that had fallen from the stage, the loud insults hurled around by this city's nobles, and [i]is that Farim[/i] with a woman in his lap who spoke loudly of a game of strip poker. He took a longer sip of his drink. [color=red]“I appreciate the warning, Your Majesty, but I’d hate to miss out on the fun.“[/color] He stood, drink in hand, and bowed gracefully to the pair of royals. [color=red]“But I will refrain from getting too sloppy, and let a pair of future rulers have their moment.”[/color] He took his leave and made his way to Farim’s table, it seemed to be where all the fun was at. Not that he didn’t enjoy speaking with the two very composed royals but a party was a time to let go and have fun. He pulled a nearby chair over to the packed table. [color=red]“This appears to be a meeting of beautiful people, and I am left wondering, where my invitation was.”[/color] He smiled with easy confidence before taking his seat. [color=red]“Are all parties here so lively and joyous? Makes me wish I’d visited Sorian sooner. I’m Rohit.”[/color] He added. [/color]