[COLOR=GRAY][CENTER][COLOR=dimgray] [sup]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/COLOR][img]https://i.imgur.com/WZjaowO.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=silver][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]418 SW RavensView Drive[/I] - [I]Portland, Oregan - United States of America[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=silver][b]Who You Gonna Call? #1.05:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Vampyre[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][COLOR=dimgray][SUP][sub]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/sub][/SUP][/COLOR][INDENT][sub][color=silver][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]None[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=silver][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Angel[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT][color=#ffffff]“Breathe in-” [/color]The calming voice echoed across the front room of the small bungalow as a woman’s voice emitted from a nearby speaker. The ‘Best Guided Meditations’ playlist continued as the man in the center of the room took another breath, attempting to follow the instructions presented by the woman’s recorded voice. It had been six thousand, five hundred and seventy-four days since the last incident. The smell of freshly baked cookies wafted through the living room, passing under Monroe’s nose as he continued his meditation. Taking another breath, he inhaled the tempting aroma, his enhanced olfactory senses picking apart each underlying scent and isolating the ingredients in the cookies. The substitute eggs and butter had a particularly overwhelming scent he was accustomed to. While not always the most appetizing, they also flame the bloodlust within the reformed man. It was important to maintain his routine, the clockmaker had long taken a vow of ‘[i]Erlangen Wieder Weidmann[/i]’ to ensure there were no further incidents and the healthy habits helped keep that vow intact. As did remaining undisturbed. A series of three loud knocks on the door caused Monroe to open an eye. Taking a fresh whiff of the air, the familiar woodsy cologne caused a reluctant smile to cross his face. [color=#e6b8af]“Monroe?”[/color] Rosalee’s voice yelled from upstairs, [color=#e6b8af]“Who’s at the door?”[/color] [color=#e69138]“Just Nick, honey,”[/color] Monroe replied to his wife before swinging the large arched door open and greeting the dark-haired detective. The vintage yellow Volkswagen Beetle parked out front of the small bungalow was dwarfed by the large unmarked Dodge Character. [color=#3d85c6]“Monroe, I’ve got a problem,”[/color] Nick stated stepping inside as Monroe was left holding the door. [color=#e69138]“Yeah, sure, come in.”[/color] Monroe replied dryly,[color=#e69138] “Great to see you Monroe, have you lost weight?”[/color] He continued before following the detective into his own living room. [color=#3d85c6]“Sorry, Monroe, I’ve just got three bodies already and if the pattern persists, it’s only going to get worse.”[/color] Nick apologized,[color=#3d85c6] “What do you know about vampires?”[/color] [color=#e69138]“You’ve got vampyre problems? Here?”[/color] Monroe replied with surprise, [color=#e69138]“Portland falls under the protection of the Pack, vampyres are strictly prohibited from hunting within Pack territory, the Monarchy knows this.”[/color] [color=#3d85c6]“Whoa, Monroe,”[/color] Nick interrupted,[color=#3d85c6] “I’m going to need some context, what are you talking about?”[/color] [color=#e69138]“Well, as a Grimm, you’re already aware of the Wesen Pack, the council that oversees all therianthropes in coalition with the Royals or ‘Alphas’ as they also prefer.”[/color] Monroe began, [color=#e69138]“Vampyre, and other various kinds of ‘undead’ are under the rule of the Monarchy, a set of self-imposed rulers who also have claimed territories. Wesen and vampyre, or rather the [i]Upyri[/i], spent centuries at war with one another until they were eventually united against common enemies.”[/color] [color=#3d85c6]“The Grimms?”[/color] Monroe nodded, [color=#e69138]“And of course the Slayer, but she wasn’t near as populous as you Grimms.” [/color]He took a deep breath, massaging his temples before leaning back in an armchair that must have been from the Victorian era by Nick’s estimate. [color=#e69138]“Either way, you’ve got a delicate situation to navigate. If your vampyre isn’t caught soon, this could escalate into a situation that might even cause a war between the Pack and the Monarchy. And when that happens, it’s only ever humans that lose.”[/color] Monroe lamented, [color=#e69138]“Though, humans are getting more and more terrifying every day, did you see the news about-”[/color] [color=#3d85c6]“Monroe,”[/color] Nick chided slightly,[color=#3d85c6] “Do we need to consider that this could be politically motivated? Could it be some kind of retaliation? Would Black Claw attack vampires?”[/color] [color=#e69138]“Were your victims Wesen?”[/color] Monroe asked. [color=#3d85c6]“Not that I could tell,”[/color] Nick replied. [color=#e69138]“Then doubtful, the Pack and the Monarchy have historically not gotten along, but thanks to the Watcher Council, a pact was brokered between them. Like I said, Portland falls under the Pack, but we’re surrounded by the Monarchy both in the North and South. It’s still going to be a sticky situation to get involved in. I suggest you stake your vampire and call it a day.”[/color] He said moving his arm through the air while holding an imaginary peg. [color=#3d85c6]“Just like that?”[/color] Monroe mimed the gesture a second time. [color=#e69138]“Just like that.”[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT][/color]