[quote=@Bacon] So, you're looking for a GM, correct? I can't say I've ever done a 1x1 RP, but I could certainly try my hand if you'd be willing. I'm familiar enough with the world of 40k to wing it, and gotten through roughly the 65% threshold of the game in question (according to PS's tracking thing). Still, I know enough about the setting (both broad and specific) to run something. This writing sample you have is fantastic, by the way. [/quote] You're too kind; thank you. Like my post says you're free to wing as much of the universe as you'd like and operate solely on vibes and whatever happens to sound cool or interesting. I only really care about [b]some[/b] level of internal consistency within the vacuum of a story, and even then that tends to be pretty shaky with me. I'll drop you a message in just a moment.