[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230517/d4c6af64c01f1bfef402cd06bef6ed15.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/18WtXjY.png[/img] [@Cello][@samreaper][@twave][@Zarkun][@Joshua Tamashii][/center] With a new friend acquired, Akemi seemed quite content with herself right now. Not that anyone she was with was probably familiar enough with the girl to notice her more upbeat demeanor, as she didn't show anything too terribly visibly different. Instead, it was a subtle shift in her behavior. There was a little extra pep in her step, a little rocking of her head from side to side. Perhaps more noticeable to Ariel in her current state than anyone else. Though now with their client here, Akemi snapped back to attention as it was time for business. Or so one might think, but lets be real. Akemi? Serious? Business? Hah, good one. [color=DDDCE1]"Akemi Desdemona."[/color] The moment they were on the train and getting settled into their car, Akemi made a beeline for the client who seemed to be close in age to her, extending a hand out to the girl. While she was intending to come off friendly and polite, it came off as perhaps rude and frosty as her tone didn't match what she was going for, being quite monotone. Regardless, she would ask the same question she had Amelia before. [color=DDDCE1]"Friend?"[/color] Akemi would keep her hand outstretched towards her, staring at her expectantly till she got a response. Of course with all her attention tunneled onto the client, she didn't pay a single ounce of attention to the obviously suspicious individuals in the previous car. That could be left to someone who wasn't denser than a black hole. Otherwise, Akemi awaited with eager excitement to see if she could make another new friend today with this girl. That way she could go back and tell Zen how she had made a bunch of friends today! By herself even! [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180429/c265d80b09e3e05e599ec507e01beb69.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/AIAn1Sc.png[/img] [@Cello][@Sanguine Rose][@Zarkun][/center] Yes! Success! If she wasn't hanging from a tree branch right now, she might be tempted to do a fist pump or maybe a happy little dance that her idea was working. Not only had she gotten a couple of hits and some damage in, but she had gotten its attention! That happiness though was short lived as a boulder whisked by her head and a sudden realisation dawned on her. What next? Now that she had its attention, what was her next move? An arc of energy that narrowly missed the Vulcan bought her time as she frantically began to think and scramble back into the tree and closer to the trunk, a hand pointing out at the Vulcan as she shoot off a few more bolts of electricity as she began to flip through her grimoire. Did she have a spell which would help her with this beast? Of course not, she barely had any spells to begin with! What next, what next, what next..... What would he do? Thinking that, she grabbed at her pendant and scurried to the other side of the tree as best she could for now. So long as the Vulcan didn't have a proper line of sight on her, she was at least safer from its counters. Until it no doubt began to climb up the tree. Speaking of which, how was she getting out of this tree safely? If it got up here, she was in trouble as this wasn't the best place to fight anything really, let alone a giant ape! So what would he do? Thinking that again, her grip on the pendant tightened before she steeled her resolve. Fine then, let that overgrown monkey get up here! She would try and gather as much charge as she could in that time and give it quite the shocking reception if it did indeed make its way up the tree. And then once she had done that? It was simple, as she yelled out for Kiba even as she felt the energy within begin to rise. [color=BFB4B0]"Get ready to catch Kiba!"[/color] In short, she was going to blast the Vulcan with as much electricity as she could before jumping out of the tree and hoping Kiba was in a position to catch her. If he wasn't? Uhhhhh....well, he was reliable so she trusted he would be there! Maybe. Hopefully. She was regretting this plan already, but it was the best she could think of in this situation. Best she didn't think of how much it would hurt if it didn't work...