[center][h2][color=#FF7800]Boraro[/color] Fireteam Poseidon[/h2][/center][hr]As if it wasn’t chaotic enough, now Adam canceled Artemis’ free trial of the doomsday platform in the second most spectacular fashion imaginable save for a nuke. Ebrima was staggering in Chuck’s wake, trying to pick off any Artemis that were still bothering them instead of trying to save themselves - the lengths some people would go to for an extra hundred on their paycheck - as he noticed his vision becoming slightly blurry on the right side. Yup, that was a concussion alright. Each explosion made movement even more difficult and every fall exacerbated his headache and soon he found himself in disbelief at thinking this was worse than the damn double triathlon Hell they put him through when he signed on. Somehow. Reaching the edge of the platform felt like Sisyphus finally getting that damn boulder onto that stupid hill. Stowing his gear so it wasn’t loose during the fall and subsequent swim, he grabbed a nearby Artemis corpse and dragged it toward the edge of the platform, glumly noting that his PFD had fallen prey to Luisa's machete as he threw the body overboard before jumping after it. The dead man broke the water's surface just before Ebrima’s feet hit the sea, cushioning his landing quite a bit. Still, the Cameroonian sank like a rock, the exosuit not designed to swim without the ruptured air bladders. For a second he thought Luisa might get to kill him after all, even if she didn't live to brag about it. [b]Thud![/b] The smooth hull of the SDV under him felt like the softest foam mattress. He quickly found a handle and maneuvered inside, securing an air supply before tapping Adam on the shoulder to let him know he was in. Once they were aboard the VTOL, he took his radio out of its pouch, smashed it against a wall and threw it and the ‘borrowed’ Artemis helmet and headset out the back before powering down his armor and starting to untangle himself from the dead exoskeleton, removing the power cells once he was out. If Rose had trackers in her blood, he wasn't taking any chances with any Artemis gear or Raven equipment that had been connected to any Artemis tech. [color=#FF7800]”[i]Now[/i] do we get to have a week off?”[/color]