[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve[/h3] [/center] “Ok, down we goooooo-wow” Ryane’s drop into the dark was ended not by the ground but by the dark being washed away by… and underground sun? “Wha-what? How? Where?” she asked nobody in particular, her crash course in special shifting and illusion magic having gone from “oh huh that’s a thing?” to absolutely mind blowing in the course of about 10 seconds. The oddities didn’t end there either, as they were soon approached by a procession of burning skeletons in fireproof garments, who were escorting a beautiful woman with black eyes and a rotten attitude. Funnily enough animated skeletons were nothing out of the ordinary for her, as back home she knew a set of them that ran a very helpful baking franchise that had made confectionery based armor power-ups for her. They hadn’t been on fire though (unless they had an accident in the kitchen). As for their leader, Rayne’s response to the woman’s insult and demand that they perish for her was a set of spread up raised palms and a look on her face that translated to “what the heck is wrong with you?” due to the implication she’d murdered those above for their lack of looks, their occupation, or both, all of which were just, horrifyingly petty. Before she could get into an argument with this terrible lady the swarm of butterflies was unleashed upon them once more. Just in time for the death ray powerup to end too. The replacement to it wasn’t exactly great either, as her magic ax spell hit in a single plane which would only take out a vertical slice of butterflies. That left rocks that the butterflies could just phase through, and, well, a question “Qing! How good are you at dodging hundreds of projectiles?” because her only other spell in hand was the bullet hell generating death spiral (which she already knew that Sanae could manage). If Qing thought she could handle that, well, then Rayne’d get as close as she could to their foe and unleash Robyn’s signature spell, creating waves of magical bullets to clear the skies and bombard their foe. If not, well, it was pew pew with her basic magic bullets, a cleave with the 5 meter long magic ax, and then riskily swatting at butterflies with Runedge for her to try and thin the swarm enough that they could try and approach and take out their creator.