Redana [i]almost[/i] hisses at Bella that she’s going to screw this up. This is… how can she possibly be expected to follow up [i]that?[/i] That dismantling of Mynx’s walls, keystone by keystone, questions that must have been considered ever since she came back to herself on this side of the Lethe: how is the brash, energetic, foolhardy princess of Tellus going to follow up bringing Mynx safely to ground? How can she possibly be entrusted with this? But Bella [i]has[/i] entrusted her with this. That fact is undeniable. There’s no squirming out from under that! If Mynx tries to rebuild herself now, she’ll break strange, won’t she? Like a tree with crooked branches. (Now there is a memory.) Bella gave her this, and it [i]has[/i] to be because Bella knows that only Dany can bring Mynx safely down. “I? I! Am! Yes!” Ember throws her head back and laughs like only a Ceronian alpha can, the mocking laugh of glorious victory. “You’re all ours tonight— you know that, right? Answer!” “Y-yes!” The gasp— there’s something of Redana there, of a squirming and flustered princess. It’s difficult not to look away bashfully when presented with yourself, you know? But this isn’t Redana. The gasp is in the process of becoming something new. “Look at both of us. You might think you know us, but we’ve both changed so much from those days in the garden. The person you’re pretending to be right now doesn’t exist any more. Does she?” “…no?” She’s lost, starting to drift. There’s empty air under her feet, and she needs a wolf to catch her. “So the masks you have are obsolete. The Bella you could be is out of date. So is the Redana. There’s no more need to pretend to be those girls, is there?” “No…” “There’s no more need to hide [i]yourself.[/i] You’re going to be a [i]good girl,[/i]” the Ceronian princess rumbles in a way that is all the more sincere for how important it is to her. “And you are going to let all those ancient masks drop so we can see the beauty underneath, aren’t you? Answer!” A nod. A growl. A squeak. “Yes!! Yes!!!” “Because there’s no need for bodyguards anymore, not when I look like…” Her vest hits the floor, followed by her bandolier, followed by her bra. “[i]This.[/i]” Gaze upon the body of an athlete, a scout, a warrior, o Toxicrene! Scent her, know how her corded muscles would feel, and let your eyes trace the augmentations to her teeth. She is not the princess of Tellus any more: she would be able to fend off assassins herself. And she would be quite capable of tying a silly little Toxicrene in knots. “So we’ve no need for a bodyguard any more, right?” She stretches theatrically, flexes her arms, smiles in self-satisfaction. “No more…” “Which means that you are [i]bound[/i] instead to be [i]yourself.[/i] Bella will demand it, won’t she? Answer!” “Yes! She will!” “And you and I both know what she’s like when she’s like this. I don’t see any way out of it. You’re [i]doomed,[/i] Mynx. Doomed to deal with Bella here until she’s satisfied, and part of her satisfaction…” The Ceronian princess throws her arms around the Toxicrene, giving her a faceful of hot breath, glistening teeth, and a tight grip. Forehead to forehead, who the princess was and who the princess became. “Will be tossing you to [i]me.[/i] I fought my way up from the bottom of the pack, and I will [i]not[/i] spare you any mercy, girl.” Need and Lust and Amusement soak into Mynx’s skin. “Now. Are you ready to be one of the priceless treasures of Ceron, just as you are, no title and no mask?” “[i]Please, yes…[/i]” “Even knowing how [i]much[/i] I know about lusty Ceronian pirates and what they do to the beautiful ladies in their clutches~?” Her tail betrays her excitement at getting to play this role for a night, at flipping the tables around. The look that Mynx gives her is too much. Redana bites, growling, tail wagging, digging her nails into Mynx’s fiendishly soft skin— and then pulls back, panting, grinning, a wicked creature only barely held at bay by the fact that Bella is staring at the two of them, has her on a leash of loyalty, and it’s not yet time to let the Hound of Mosaic loose. “Yes. Or. No,” Ember growls, eyes hot. “[i]Zeus’s sake, yes![/i]” “Last one. Did you know that the Princess thought of you as a friend the whole time she grew with you?” “…no,” the Toxicrene admits. “Well, now you know. And now,” Dany leers, “you’ve one more question to answer. Here, since it’s probably slipped your silly little mind— let me [i]help.[/i]” No talking. Not a single word. Just the body. The pirate queen works that ruined dress back between Mynx’s lips and circles behind her, clamps one palm over her mouth, presses her body against Mynx’s back, and lets out a growl straight from a romance novel. “Now. [i]Answer her…[/i]”