[b]MIKA[/b] Dean may not have told Mika absolutely everything, but he told her enough of just how deep his relationship with Esme was and that was all she needed to know in her mind. Just from the way Duke looked at her, she knew she'd have to tell him exactly what she knew and how her chat with Dean went. Especially after the early hours of the morning and she told him about her insecurities. It was only fair she updated Duke. Turning her attention back to Dean, she saw how terrified he was at confronting his younger sister and Mika couldn't recall the last time she saw this kind of terror in his eyes. As Duke started to talk, she remained quiet, deciding to just let Duke do the talking in this moment so she could focus on trying to be calming for Dean. “He's right, now or later, it has to be done. You two have been butting heads too much lately, it needs to end” she told him softly. “But if it was me? I'd metaphorically rip the band aid off and go now. Like Duke said, we forgave you, she will too” she added. As Dean agreed to go after they both spoke to him, she dropped her hand from his back to let him go when he took the moment to kiss her quickly before exiting through the back door. She gave a sigh and shoved her hands in her hoodie pockets, really hoping that things would get better for the siblings. She wanted the two of them to get on so much as they were so alike, she knew it could be possible if they would just get past their own walls they built around themselves. She looked up when Duke said about her and Dean being good, making her nod. “yeah…we had a good chat earlier. Not an easy one but an important one. He told me how close he and Esme got, how he wanted to start a normal life with her until she turned him down…because of me.” She explained. “he knows what went down between me and Ethan..that night I finally left him for the last time. The fight the two of us had, over Dean…” she added, knowing Duke would probably remember that night all too well. Mika saw Duke texting who she figured was Esme and she just glanced down at the floor for a moment before looking up again. Such a big part of her wanted to follow Dean out there and monitor the chat with Natalia, even though she knew she would probably freeze doing so, whereas the other part of her, more rational side of her was telling her to stay put. “We got a lot to work on still, but we're both swearing to each other. We'll get through it together” she finally told Duke, looking up at him again. “I'm glad you and Esme are seemingly okay too” she told him, searching for anything to say that meant she didn't have to worry about Dean being outside with Natalia. She cut her conversation short when she heard the back door open again and Esme walked inside. Mika, as much as it partly hurt her to admit it to herself, was grateful Esme was there to help Natalia even before Esme spoke a single word. It was just clear from when she had glanced out the window that having Esme there with Cason somewhat helped Nat. Esme explaining that she did in fact, with Cason's help, calm Natalia down made Mika exhale a breath she didn't even know she was holding in. The woman's next words didn't come as much of a surprise even if they were sad to hear. Mika never wanted Nat to feel scared of her brother. “Thank you…Esme. Honestly, thank you for helping her.” She then said as she looked at Esme with much kinder eyes than she had ever looked at the woman before. “I hate seeing those two fight constantly when I know Nat is desperate to be loved by Dean.” She remarked. [b]NATALIA[/b] When Natalia admitted to what she still remembers overhearing back then, she didn't want to strictly get pity from Esme, but she tried to give context of why she always felt Dean never really wanted her around or as a sister. it was why she grew so close to Sam, he was the one who carried her out of that asylum, he was the one defending her to stay with them and to protect her. So after all that, how could she not drift closer to Sam? He always had her back. She listened to Esmesl’s words about how she would have probably reacted to finding out she had a sibling out of nowhere and Natalia didn't know how to take it. Part of her knew it was the rational way to start thinking, hells, she was suspicious of finding out she had brothers when she felt more coherent at the time, but that never stopped the hurt she felt from Dean keeping her at arms length. Truth was, she never really felt like a real Winchester, even though she was and she still held so much pain from their dad just abandoning her. It was all linked to why she was the way she was, even after she helped Sam try and find ways of bringing Dean back from Hell, offering to make deals herself when the demons wouldn't take Sam's offers. Yet it felt like it was all for nothing right now. She continued to listen to Esme as she told her to see the other side of things. How Dean absolutely lost his mind when Nat got taken to the point he did come after her, with Mika in tow. She had to remember that, Dean DID come after her, even if it still felt so surreal to her that he would. Cason may have been the one who actually saved her life, but Dean and Mika did go after her, Dean carried her on his back out to the car and was fussing over her before going back inside. He risked his life…for her as well as Esme. As Esme climbed onto her car, an action Natalia would have normally been irritated with, but not tonight, and hugged her, she didn't know if to flinch or lean into the woman's arms. She just stayed still for a moment until Esme started rubbing her back which made all of Natalia's instincts just lean into Esme as she tried not to cry all over again. Deep down she knew Esme was right, she shouldn't blame herself for whatever Dean did to Anna to make the girl leave with Sam but she couldn't help it. If she had JUST kept her temper under control and listened to Cason, none of this would have happened. It would take a lot for her to believe anything different, even after Esme told her they both knew Dean would have kept hiding it from her. “okay…” she simply said, finally speaking up once again as Esme told her Dean was on his way over to talk with her. “Thanks Esme” she said, pulling away from the warm hug as she sat still waiting for Dean to arrive. When he did arrive, she just gave a nod and patted the car beside her. “May as well sit here…” she replied to Dean, even though she was scared he was going to flip on her. [b]SAM[/b] With Anna agreeing to get the bags and taking the keys from him, Sam headed into the reception area to book a room. At first he couldn't see anyone around, so he tapped the bell to signal a customer was waiting to be served. A guy walked out from the back room moments later and looked at Sam, “needing a room?” He asked, to which Sam nodded. “yeah, either double or twin preferably if you got anything left. Seems to be busy tonight here” Sam replied, judging by the amount of cars that were in the lot compared to normal when he would drive past with Dean. “Yeah, I think something is happening just outside of town or something” the receptionist explained as he got out the book to check Sam in. Sam just gave a nod wondering what it could be, but he didn't care enough to ask more questions about it. He figured it was probably some gathering of some kind which didn't phase him in the slightest. “Alright, just need a card and matching ID and I can get you a room key” he got told, which made Sam delve into his back pocket to grab his wallet as Anna stepped inside with the bags. Handing over some convincing fake ID and a credit card with a matching name on it, he paid for the room whilst letting Anna stand close to him. Receiving his id and card back, he also grabbed the key that was handed with them. “We only got a double room upstairs to your left when you step out of here. Room 203.” The receptionist explained. “That's fine, cheers. Have a good night, yeah?” Sam said finally, grabbing one of their bags from Anna before placing a hand on her back and guiding her back outside. Once outside, he walked with Anna to the room where he opened the door and let her inside first, followed by himself and closed the door behind them as he switched the light on. “home sweet home for the night” he smirked. Putting the bag down, he walked further in and perched on the end of the bed where he instantly kicked his boots off. Looking at Anna, he just held his arms out to her getting the sense she may need another hug. He didn't say anything…just gestured what he was thinking with his actions.