[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5506853][img]https://i.imgur.com/9U8gWna.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Artimis - High Seas--[/h3][/center] Alike yet unique, each of the Pseudolons had their own share of abilities in addition to mastery over the element their patron was associated with; Grayscale, as the scion of the Dragon-King, first amongst the Primals, reigned over all the elements on top of her distinct non-elemental destruction composed of raw mana, meanwhile, Siren, just like her namesake, could beguile all but the most cold-hearted individuals. The former presented harm in the most literal manner, while the latter hid her malice behind sweet temptations and deceitful affection. ...and twas' a most depraved power indeed. [color=d3d3d3][b]"Mnngh..."[/b][/color] Though absolutely nothing in Eve's current circumstances would suggest she was in the mood for a kiss, her asexual orientation notwithstanding, the Pseudolon found herself melting under Siren's embrace. At point-blank range, the full potency of Siren's supernatural allure was overwhelming her body and mind, more like a puppet on strings being forced to act against its will. Her consciousness was drifting away, in but a moment, she wouldn't even be cognizant enough to care- [b]"?!!-..."[/b] -and then Siren suddenly stopped, just within inches of pacifying her sister for good. A silent gasp left through her breathless lips, her body jerking as jolts of stinging pain rushed up her spine. It only took a single glance at her ribcage to find the tip of a dagger poking through, liquid ether coating the metal before it mixed with seawater. [b]"...!"[/b] Swiftly, her lengthy tail instinctively wrapped around Esben's torso and arms, squeezing at him like an anaconda as she released Eve and turned to face him, staring at the Skaelan dead in his eyes. [b]"...~"[/b] Though the Leviathan Pseudolon muttered not a word in response, the grin she bore on her face spoke of rage and desire in equal measure. Whatever response she had for the SEED's meddling in her mission, he could rest assured that it wouldn't be conducive for his health, physical and mental. However, before any of them could do anything else, a bolt of lightning struck from above, traveling through the one remaining hydra-esque aquatic limb as it swiftly homed into the blue-haired Pseudolon... and due to the physical contact, Esben as well. To make matters worse, it came from the Red Mage who had her prowess elevated by the Faye Diva's song, resulting in a not insignificant amount of pain. [b]"Aaaaagh!!-..."[/b] As he was literally electrocuted while fully submerged in the sea, Esben would find it extremely difficult to control his breaths, perhaps even impossible, and to pour saltwater on the wound, Siren's deafening wail of agony rattled his skull like a battering ram. Even as the Faux Leviathan herself was on the verge of losing consciousness from her injuries, the fact remained that her tail was still wrapped fast around him. Esben might ask himself, was this all worth it, trading his life to save a weapon of the enemy? Surely pragmatism would dictate that in a conflict between powers of asymmetrical strength, a strategist would be far more valuable than a war dog, and SEEDs should be nothing but pragmatic. So... why? [color=d3d3d3][b]"ESBEN!!"[/b][/color] That was also the question that Eve had running in her mind, even as she clumsily reached out her hand to grab Esben's arm... ...before the very sea was split apart around them. She didn't know why, nor how, but whoever forced Bahamut's domain into Leviathan's territory would have her gratitude, but before that, she had to capitalize on this chance and fly off toward the sky, storm-wracked as it might be currently, twas’ still a better place to be than this thalassic abyss. First, she wrapped all ten of fingers and both palms around the agent's lower arm, then booted the limp Siren off his body as she sank into the yawning abyss, and finally- [color=d3d3d3][b]"H-...heavy!"[/b][/color] -struggled to compensate for his weight with her meager strength, desperately flapping wings barely able to maintain their altitude, let alone gaining some; meanwhile, the parted ocean was already closing in on them. By Bahamut, of all the things she had that was accurate to the young girl she appeared as, why must it be brawn?! One could say it was the price she had to pay for her sheer talent at wielding all manner of elemental powers or perhaps it was the consequence of being prematurely released from the facility, whatever the case, she could really appreciate some help right now!