[@FujiwaraPhoenix] [@Drifting Pollen] [@Lugubrious] [@VitaVitaAR]


[center][h3]Nieve — Mages' Guild[/h3][/center]

Fran cutely tilted her head as Serena handed Anne the letter. Retrieving goods for a royal princess wasn't what the Servant she would be doing today, yet here they were, sent off to do a simple errand. Still, if it meant getting an audience with the ruler, it'll be done. Even quicker as Lewa had joined them, the mysterious girl they brought in tow turning out to be a fairy. Something that intrigued the berserker as they group walked toward their destination. Did the girl being a Fae had something to do with the dark slime creatures they fought back then?

A question for another time, it would seem.


[center][h3]Nieve — Suspicious Shop[/h3][/center]

Soon enough, the group arrived at the shop...

...Though, things wouldn't be so simple as retrieving goods.

[quote]"I can smell blood."[/quote]

[quote]"Blood? I thought this city-place was safe? Was there some kind of accident...?"[/quote]

[quote]"If it was an accident, someone should have noticed by now. Ugh... This already reeks of a trap."[/quote]

[color=8dc73f]"Then...I'll...lead."[/color], spoke up Fran, her mace already manifested and shouldered as laid on Anne's arm, indicating to the space knight to let the Servant lead as they stepped through the threshold and into the shop.