[table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][b]ANCIENT[color=2e2c2c].[/color]RING[/b][/h3][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TuYJvJM.jpeg[/img][hr][sub]| The Gate to Eternity |[/sub] [i]"Be careful, the end may not be what you desire."[/i] [hr][sup][b]ORIGINS & CREATIONS:[/b] | The Ancient Ring was not crafted by mortal hands but emerged through the collective consciousness of the first Adepts. Legends tell of its creation when the Ancients infused part of their essence into the world and the people within it. Over time, their presence became a myth, but their power remained latent in objects of great significance. The ring was one such artifact, said to be formed by the melding of powerful beliefs in the Ancients’ wisdom and wrath. | [b]TYPE:[/b] | Ring | [b]LOCATION:[/b] | TBD | [b]NOTABLE OWNERS:[/b] | TBD | [b]ABSTRACTION-GRANTING:[/b] | No. | [color=2e2c2c].............................................................................[/color][/sup][/center][/cell][cell]The Ancient Ring is a legendary artifact tied deeply to the lore of the All-Verse. Its power lies in calling forth one of the ten Ancients. Through the Ancient Ring, the bearer can summon these beings and attempt to bargain with them. The summoned Ancient may complete a task for the ring bear, share wisdom long lost to the ages, or even amplify the bearer’s magical power. However, the relationship between the ring bearer and the Ancient is far from straightforward. The Ancients are known to be fickle, some benevolent and others malicious, and the outcome of each summoning is unpredictable. The user must be careful, as each negotiation tests wit, wisdom, and resolve. The ring is made of almost indestructible metal, with a large, glowing gem at its center that shifts colors based on the Ancient to which it is currently tuned to. The intricate carvings around the gem depict scenes from long-forgotten battles between the Ancients and cosmic entities from the Void. When activated, the gem pulses with an otherworldly light, casting strange shadows and making the air hum with ancient energy. To use the Ancient Ring, the bearer must focus intently on the gem, invoking the name of the Ancient they wish to summon. This requires a deep understanding of the Ancients' lore, as calling the wrong name can result in disastrous consequences. One of the most dangerous aspects of the Ancient Ring is the unpredictability of the bargains. Some Ancients demand tribute in the form of memories, emotions, or even fragments of the user's soul. Others might ask for material offerings, like artifacts, or demand actions to be performed on their behalf in the mortal realm. In rare cases, they may curse the bearer instead of offering aid, leaving the ring's user worse off than before. Despite the risks, the Ancient Ring is a coveted artifact due to the sheer power it grants. In the hands of someone who can master its intricacies, it is a tool of great potential. But many have fallen victim to the Ancients’ capricious nature, trapped in eternal servitude or destroyed by the very beings they sought assistance from.[/cell][/row][/table]