[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]Nieve — Red Light District[/h3][/center] "...Eh?" Though Sanae had expected some shenanigans when she had chosen to dive into the hole, a recreation of some old-timey Japanese street was probably one of the last things she had expected to see. It wasn't [i]unheard[/i] of back in Gensokyo, which meant that the young woman was left notably less flabbergasted than Rayne seemed to be, but the fact that such a lifelike illusion—if it could even be called one any more—meant that whatever was causing this mess wasn't anything to scoff at. The being that they promptly encountered, however, seemed to be far less willing to lend an ear than any resident of Gensokyo was. The geisha—or something that seemed to be mimicking the form of one—made her disgust at their presence rather blatant, and the blasé insult she levied at them, while offensive, had left Sanae more annoyed than anything else. "Big words from someone who cakes their face in makeup," the green-haired girl replied with a slight smirk before a light wave of nausea washed over her. Instead of simply standing there and suffering from it, though, Sanae raised her gohei towards the sky and took a deep breath. "Though I guess whatever horrors you're hiding behind it are enough to make me sick." With that, the young woman pointed the tool towards the ghost's face, after which a massive pentacle seemed to spread out from under her feet and promptly covered the ground around them. With it, a gust of wind seemed to blow from behind her, and with it went any sort of sickness-inducing curse that was trying to take root in them. With any symptoms therein promptly nullified, Sanae felt that this was a good a chance as any to join in Rayne's offensive efforts. Sending out more frog-shaped danmaku explosives to bombard the area seemed like a good place to start. The endless hordes of butterflies mattered far less if they were removed from the equation the second they appeared, after all. [@DracoLunaris][@VitaVitaAR] [hr][center][h3]Nieve — Odd Cemetery[/h3][/center] The words that the fire-wielding woman spoke seemed to catch the monk ever so slightly off-guard, and for a moment he seemed to be considering the implications of her being longer-lived than even the greatest of sorcerers in his mind before choosing to place those thoughts to the side for the time being. "Come now, I'm not naive enough to believe something like that," he replied as the spiral above his head began to grow denser by the second. "You could well be speaking the truth, sure, but then it'd just be removing my head from my neck or a stab through the heart or something equally as lethal... And far easier to do on someone with their guard down, no?" While he spoke, a bunch of the creatures surrounding him began to coalesce around him, acting almost as if their presence alone was meant to deter the others as he prepared to strike. Just as he was about to launch the attack, though, the world itself seemed to go black. No, it wasn't as if it had 'gone black'—it was like there was an absence of light altogether. Even in darkness, he would be able to make some light for himself. Rather, this was more like he had simply 'become blind'—and in so doing had found himself open to attack. It was a natural response, then, to simply order what curses he could to guard his every flank for the moment and attempt to fire off the spiraling mass of cursed energy the second his sight returned. A few seconds—that was all that it took for light to return to his world, and in that moment the monk found himself staring down the swordswoman who had cleaved through his defenses to reach him. It was a familiar sight in a way, given what he had experienced what had felt like not a few hours prior, but not one he would like to soon repeat. With a shout, the monk attempted to launch the attack towards his opponent— Only for him to feel it being pulled away in the [i]opposite[/i] direction. Unable to resist trying to see what in the world would be the cause for his second death, the man turned around and saw the very same jiangshi he had been trying to deal with mere moments prior [i]vacuuming[/i] the attack into her mouth. "—————What the hell sort of cursed spirit———?!" [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze] [hr][center][h3]Nieve — Magic Shop[/h3][/center] At a glance, nothing would seem amiss when the group walked through the storefront. The scent of blood that the vampire had picked up was not any sort of a false alarm, given her propensity for the fluid as her main source of nourishment, but it would almost seem as if the place was scrubbed clean of any trace of injury. A closer inspection of the wood that composed the floor and tables that might have otherwise displayed various goods would present scratches and indentations that did not seem to come from simple wear... But otherwise, naught would seem amiss at a glance. With that said, the door to the basement seemed to be left open, almost as if inviting those curious visitors a chance to travel downwards. Assuming that they did, though, the group would be met with a spiraling staircase that seemed to stretch on for ages that would eventually open up into what appeared to be some sort of storage facility for goods. [i]Here[/i], the damage seemed to be more palpable, with shattered wood beams, glass, and debris of all shapes and sizes scattered every which way. Most notable, however, was the fact that the area seemed to be partially cleared away in a path towards the back of the room... But with still no sign of the missing shopkeeper. [@VitaVitaAR][@Drifting Pollen][@Rezod92][@Lugubrious]