[hider=The Fox Girl]
[u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Lay’arra Ru’trra
[u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 28
[u][b]Sex:[/b][/u] Female
[u][b]Species:[/b][/u] Anhur
[u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Lay’arra stands at the shorter end of Anhur heights, at about 6’, and enjoys a thick, soft coat of vibrantly reddish-orange fur with black at the tips of her ears and tail. There’s a large tuft of white in the center of her chest and under her chin, a white stripe in the center of either ear, and down the center of her back. Her eyes are a deep sapphire.
[u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Lay’arra is an energetic, enthusiastic woman who’s outspoken and generally cheerful, but she's got a bit of a temper to her. She’s stubborn and assertive, perhaps a little aggressive, but ultimately kind-hearted. She cares a lot about those close to her, as most Anhur do, but is a little more aloof, perhaps. She prefers smaller groups, but is still sociable.
[u][b]History:[/b][/u]Lay’arra grew up in a sand port on Grael II, watching the sand ships come and go, bringing salvage or trade from the southern settlement. She’d always admired the great cannons, imagining the great force they could unleash at a moment’s notice, not considering the resulting destruction. She was even more excited when she saw her first mech, a damaged machine being unloaded for major repairs that the ship itself couldn’t manage. She felt bad for the damaged mech, and knew she wanted to pilot one. With the confidence of a child, she felt she could keep her machine safe.

When she came of working age, she’d joined a salvage crew and worked her way up through the ranks. She started as deck hands, like anybody else, but moved to gunnery before finally making pilot to pilot, when she was assigned to a utility mech, working the salvage operation, doing the digging and hauling. After her first three years of gaining a handle on operating a nimble utility mech and a particularly daring incident, she was given the Violet Dragoon to pilot. She’d been a key pilot for the salvage operations defense unit, exhibiting quick reflexes and gunnery in close quarters.
[u][b]Key facts:[/b][/u] Lay’arra loves steak and seafood, berries, and bitter drinks. Sweet is ok, but she doesn’t like sour. She’s a sucker for ear rubs. She hates cheapskates, hot weather, and the way clothes feel over her fur.

[u][b]Personal Gear:[/b][/u]
– Leandros VI 9mil Sidearm Repeater
– Sentinel Personnel Body Armor
– Combat Knife

[u][b]Speciality:[/b][/u] Light Mech maneuvers and close combat

[u][b]Anything Else:[/b][/u] [url=https://youtu.be/EuAzPR0ACVw?si=vnKwiz9bWb90e8nI]Bad Dog No Buiscuts[/url]

[Hider=Violet Dragoon]
[u][b]Mecha Name:[/b][/u] Mist Engines LX-DrGN
[u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Skirmisher Scout
[u][b]Crew:[/b][/u] One pilot, one co-pilot
[u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img]https://i.imgur.com/rDyEIRL.jpeg[/img]
Weight: 25 tons
Output: C-grade fuel cell reactors, 3x 120 GW
Bipedal - 
Land Speed, running: 150 Km/h
Land Speed, casters: 300 km/h
Height: 7 meters
Weight: 25 tons
Thruster Output:
Medium Burst - Jumping
Low - Casters/Space Flight
Jump Height: 50 meters, single burst
30 meters, safe landing
Thruster Output: High
Drag Coefficient: High
Lift Factor: Low
Air Speed: 200 Km/h
Thruster Output: High
Drag Coefficient: Medium
Lift Factor: High
Air Speed: 500 Km/h[/Hider]

[u][b]Weapons:[/b][/u] Mid-range Plasma Cannon, Right Shoulder, Range: 500 M
2x Medium Lasers, Right Arm, Range: 350 M
2x Mid-Range Missile Launcher, Left Arm, 300 M
[u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] Anti-Missile Laser System, Left Shoulder - Glitchy, Range: 250 M
Active Probe, Head
[u][b]Other info:[/b][/u] The Violet Dragoon has been in service to the salvage teams of Grael II, a desert world thriving off of salvage, left behind by old conflicts resolved in orbit. A largely intact hangar bay found in the deep sands yielded a number of good mechs, including her Violet Dragoon, but that was decades ago. The Dragoon has been an important part of salvage team operations, and much care has gone in to keeping her operational, even when the exact parts required haven't been available. This has resulted in an overall drop in performance potential, though the operation of the mech in Bipedal form has been largely preserved. The mecha has seen much combat against bandits and inferior forces, but rarely has she fought another mech.[/Hider]