Oh no. Oh no. Suli’s done everything right, but she set this up as a standoff. She’s too kind by half. Maybe this is a sign she’d make a good queen of light. It speaks well of her that faced with this sudden turn of events (the real Hazel! Two dangerous plant people!) that instead of merely stabbing as Yuki had done, Suli had gone for the standoff and the demand to release Hazel. Perhaps she imagined that the radiant one was the most important, and so a threat to drop her with a heartblade to the throat would be enough not only to get her to let Hazel go, but would also be understood by flower one Yuki had knocked down as reason not to attack. And then they could back off slowly with Hazel. But Suli hadn’t thought this through all the way. Back off to where exactly? The flower couple had been trying to make this quiet and maybe if left alone they would have simply walked out with Hazel while making it look like he’d walked out to take a break. But now there had been a fight. If the Fellowship left with Hazel, they’d be the ones kidnapping Chrysanthemum staff, so they were hardly going to be able to run back to their rooms. Maybe straight to the road out of Vespergift and hope to reach Crevas without violence? But if so, Suli needed to be moving already, not setting up for a standoff. And that, of course, wasn’t accounting for the extremely loud roar and rumble that was happening directly behind them that Yuki suspected was going to be an extreme problem for a standoff situation the second she turned around. But. But, well, Suli had pulled Hazel into her coils and now they had to be careful not to rip his arm off. Damn it. If Yuki just slashed at radiant plant girl and hit the arm, would it go dead and drop or would it go dead and the grip would lock in place? Too unreliable. Plus she might hit Suli or Hazel if she went in for a second big axe chop with her full sprint momentum as she jumped over the table (carefully dodging the platter of cinnamoon rolls, which remain pristine except for the one she dropped as she clears them by a scant inch). Instead, she lands, thrusts her heartblade into the ground as a pivot, and turns all of her momentum into a full body kick into radiant plantgirl’s elbow, breaking her grip on Hazel’s wrist completely and sending her reeling back from the impact and the loss of balance of pulling on Hazel. A shudder runs through her as her foot touches the hand, memories of a glowing sword and starlight from years prior. Starlight that she misses dearly, but that isn’t for her. But, there’s no time for that, no time for anything. She gives Suli a nod and sets her own feet in front of Suli and a now fully encoiled Hazel, bringing her axe up level and pointed out, hopefully so that she can keep track of both radiant and flower at the same time as everything comes crashing in on them. They’ll have to go through Yuki first. And…if she’s still standing afterwards, she’ll try her best to persuade Suli to gently put down the deerboy because they’ve finished defending him and nobody wants to kidnap an actively working member of the waitstaff of a Chrysanthemum host club. Right? [Yuki rolls to defy disaster with daring, 5+4+1=10. She risked all her advantage from running in, but managed to do it with aplomb.]